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WarmaHordes Story

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1WarmaHordes Story Empty WarmaHordes Story Joi Oct 09, 2014 12:12 am


Furacios de blugi

Warmachine Vengeance

[Pre-Vengeance] Irusk face o alianta cu Cygnage, dar inca nu e sanctionata de imparateasa. Fortele combinate sunt invinse de Cryx in Thornwood.

Point Bourne e devastat. Thane Brand Fylan, ordic spy master, informs Stryker of another Cryx army passing stealthy through Ord teritory towards Cygnar. King Leto comes to Point Bourne. Kommander Oleg Strakhov infiltrates the cryxian strongholds under Thornwood and locates Kommander Karchev. Great Prince Vladimir Tzepesci convinces Hierarch Severius to ally themselves and use the Northern Crusade agains the Cryx. In exchange after the defeat of Cryx Severius will be officialy invited in Laedry. Archduke Fergus Laddermore and his comploters decide to strike upon King Leto in Point Bourne will he is less defended. Stryker convinces King Leto to allow him to attack the army coming from Ord, as any victory against the Ord will have a high impact on the current low morale of the troops. King Leto makes Striker a full Lord General.
Captain Sloan is sent to scout for an army that could flank Stryker force while it marches towards the new Cryx army. She finds on Dragon’s Tongue River a Cryx force in waiting with three ships. Skarre is here.
Meanwhile Reznik and the Harbringer enter Umbrey and convert the shit out of Fedorgrad.
The Butcher arrives at the main khador army with his nearly dead prisoner, Brisbane. Irusk makes sure Brisbane is given the best medical care. The Butcher is totally out of place here, he seem not to get anything right, Khador is allied with Cygnar, Irusk skolds him for attacking a winter guard company he thought were traitors, Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff tells him he should be dead and that he killed her father, a man he can't even rember... and then he finds two Argus as feral as him to pet and love.
Goreshade, through magic, enters undetected on Ios teritory and reaches Eversael, a village destroyed by Dawnguard purge, Nyrro's cult still exists here and after some persuasion they all  bend their knee to Goreshade.
Issyria realises to late that the attack upon Gate of Mists by the skorne army is but a distraction, as the real army has already passed a harder to reach but least defended Twilight Gate amid the mountains.
Commander Caralo Allesari (Ord) hires Magnus to help him defend Fellig. Allesari's army and some cygnar are garnisoned here, but the Khadorian army near Fellig will come upon the town soon to eliberate it from the enemy army (Ord). The cygnarian commander accepts the deal as the khadorian will keep the army here for peacekeeping and when the alliance will fall Fellig will remain to the khadorians. Magnus takes the battle to the khadorian outside of Fellig and defeats them. Magnus returns as hero of Fellig. Allesari is impresed and promises Magnus he will be paid for defending Fellig further. Magnus says it is not necessary and 'requests' Fellig to retreat the ordic army from his town in less than a week.
The Cryx army heading for Dragon's Tongue River is composed of Malathrax, Venethrax and Terminus. They are carying an athanc and are followed by the Legion of Everblight. Malathrax wants to present the athanc for Toruk himself, so while convincing Venethrax and Terminus that he is trying to make the Everblight and Cygnar clash while they reach Skarre, he is actually coordinating so both enemy army will hit Cryx and while Venethrax and Terminus will fight the two armies he will retreat with the athanc. Stryker follows a Cryx scout to the cryx army. Seeing him Terminus attacks him and Stryker barely survived when his warjacks finally reach him and Terminus retreats. Malathrax now is afraid that Terminus scared the cygnarian away, but Stryker, seeing the wagon carying  the athanc - which he believes is a new weapon - and receiving word of Skarre army decides to make a suicidal attack with his army just to make sure this new weapon is destroyed. Venethrax goes back to hold the Everblight and allow the cryx army to reach the river. Stryker fights Terminus again. Captain Sloan, who has been in waiting, at the same time attacks Skarre and Skarre gives chase to Sloan battlegroup. In the chaos Malathrax starts his work to extract the athanc. Blaize realizes that the weagon doesn't carry a weapon, but a prison and they shouldn't destroy it. She attacks Malathrax and makes him run, but not before he tempers with the mechanism. Stryker destroys Terminus (again, ok this time it was Stryker, not Asphyxius) but his phylactery is missing (again). Stryker is to return Point Bourne, while Blaize takes the artifact south.

2WarmaHordes Story Empty Re: WarmaHordes Story Joi Oct 09, 2014 10:37 pm


Furacios de blugi

Am inceput sa citesc si apoi m-am oprit. Vreau sa citesc za real thing! study Mihai , de unde il ai? Poti sa dai si mie? Pretty please? Laughing

3WarmaHordes Story Empty Re: WarmaHordes Story Joi Oct 09, 2014 11:11 pm


Furacios de blugi

I still needto find Exigence.

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