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Random stuff

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26Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Noi 27, 2012 3:05 pm



Because random bits of fluff and stuff is something we should always share:

You all know that the Imperial Guard regiments are split into all infantry, all tanks and so on (mechanized and Dragoon regiments will likely contain Chimera transports for the troops and some Leman Russ tanks, maybe even a Basilisk or two). You also know that the various branches of Imperial military can't order each other about - the Navy can't tell the Guard what to do and they certainly can't censure Guard units for doing something that annoyed the Navy (so long as it's not fighting with the Navy or something that get's a Commissar's notice).

All Imperial air forces are part of the Navy or if local then the PDF (which is a whole different entity, separate from the Guard but not immune to it's Commissars). I was re-reading Double Eagle today and a base commander was censuring a Phantine Flight Leader for not pulling back as ordered. Then the Navy boy got the rug pulled out from beneath him.

The Phantine flyers can't be ordered about by the Navy. Because of a geographical quirk - Phantine is polluted to all hell and back and going into the toxic layers is a death sentence, so the populations lives in domed cities on top of the tallest mountains. This has lead to the oddity that every time Phantine is asked to supply regiments for the Imperial Guard, they mostly supply Squadrons (Lightning, Marauders, Thunderbolts etc.)

Imagine the Navy officer's face when he realized he couldn't do a thing to the fighter squadron that was operating out of a base nominally under his command - because they were Imperial Guard. I love the Imperium and it's convoluted everything.

27Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Noi 27, 2012 9:10 pm


Furacios de blugi


28Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Noi 27, 2012 11:39 pm


Furacios Biban

ce absolut super tari îs kriegjii ăia! @_@ oricum, pentru cine nu a văzut, utilizatoru' ăla are o grămadă de poze cu "atmospheric wargaming"

29Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Joi Noi 29, 2012 2:31 pm


Furacios de Gin

that is pretty fucking awesome

30Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Dec 17, 2012 4:18 pm



Deci am vazut si eu despre ce vorbea Adi for a Helldragon stand-in and I like it:

Random stuff - Pagina 2 DSC09430_copy

While looking at that am mai vazut ceva chestii faine (dintre care am vorbit cu Adi despre una)

Random stuff - Pagina 2 DSC09168

Random stuff - Pagina 2 Bols-dp-0714

31Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Dec 17, 2012 9:39 pm


Furacios de Gin

Nice stuff. Alea de Tau is super.

32Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Dec 17, 2012 10:43 pm


Furacios de blugi

Nu ca-i tare heldragonu'? Smile

Si Tau-Valk thingy is faine faine...poate chiar or merge ca stand ins la noile flyere de Tau daca le fac crap ca Heldragonu' sau Storm Talonu... tongue

33Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Dec 18, 2012 4:27 pm


Furacios de Gin

Cele de Tau sunt inlocuitoare pt hamerhead shi skyray. Le-am mai vazut pe bols.

34Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Ian 01, 2013 12:03 am



Random stuff - Pagina 2 DP-374-klaus-f

35Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mier Ian 02, 2013 2:09 pm


Furacios de Gin

laser frate

36Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Ian 21, 2013 10:26 am



A zis Darius ca the Imperium has a skull fetish. Well yeah, they are pretty much going for this:

Random stuff - Pagina 2 Kostnice_Sedlec

Random stuff - Pagina 2 Bone_Chappel

37Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Ian 21, 2013 10:34 am


Furacios de blugi

O da. Catacombele Parisului. Nice place. Wink

38Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Lun Ian 21, 2013 4:48 pm



The first picture is just so awesome. Standing there with the skulls all around you, gazing at you from the ceiling. See, skulls make everything better.

39Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Ian 22, 2013 1:50 pm


Furacios de blugi

Prima e din Cehia.

40Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mier Feb 06, 2013 4:29 pm



I need to get me some of these

Stormtrooper squad .... literally

Random stuff - Pagina 2 Rifle+squad

41Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mier Feb 06, 2013 8:17 pm


Furacios de blugi

Arata ca High-tech fascist enforcers. Perfecti pt. 40k then. Wink

P.S.: Altho' some skulls would be nice. Twisted Evil

42Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Joi Feb 07, 2013 10:47 am



Look more closely at their helmet faceplates. Remind you of anything?

Random stuff - Pagina 2 Storm-CHRON

43Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Joi Feb 07, 2013 7:21 pm


Furacios de blugi

Lucy? Lucy, is that you??!!! Shocked

44Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Sam Feb 09, 2013 3:01 am


Furacios de Gin


Random stuff - Pagina 2 2571023632_b11a9e5529_z

45Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Apr 23, 2013 11:37 am



So this is an interesting little detail about the Emperor (from the Sigilite audiobook and copied from Warseer):

Malcador says this of the Emp:
1] The Emp has a powerful intellect, blunt but powerful.

2] And very occasionally even a sense of humor of a sort.

3] Malcador and the Emp have had a debate thats been going on for a long time, the debate is about the leadership of humanity. The Emp believes that its the task of a ruler is to make himself obsolete so that his people would replace him when they are mature enough. Malcador disagrees and states that he believes that humanity will never be mature enough for that. He(Malcador) that no one but the Emp is strong enough to hold Mankind together.

4] The Emp has high aspirations for the human race, too high according to Malcador.

46Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Apr 23, 2013 11:41 am


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:3] Malcador and the Emp have had a debate thats been going on for a long time, the debate is about the leadership of humanity. The Emp believes that its the task of a ruler is to make himself obsolete so that his people would replace him when they are mature enough. Malcador disagrees and states that he believes that humanity will never be mature enough for that. He(Malcador) that no one but the Emp is strong enough to hold Mankind together.

4] The Emp has high aspirations for the human race, too high according to Malcador.

This Malcador dude, who ever he is, is what's wrong with humankind.

47Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mar Apr 23, 2013 12:42 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
This Malcador dude, who ever he is,
Nu sti cine e Malcador the Sigillite? affraid BLASPHEMY!

48Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mier Apr 24, 2013 2:45 pm


Furacios de blugi

49Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Mier Apr 24, 2013 10:30 pm


Furacios de blugi

DUTE-N PLM CE TARE E ASTA!!! Shocked affraid Twisted Evil Laughing Very Happy

50Random stuff - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Random stuff Vin Apr 26, 2013 11:03 am


Furacios de Gin

Fascinating but painful due to you eating words again.

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