Shooting continued
Cover savesSe primesc daca 25% din model este obscurat.
Razorwire, fences 6+
Forests, area terrain (like craters and crap) 5+
Ruins, trencehs, ruined fortifications 4+
Fortifications, bunkers 3+
Daca se trage printr-o unitate inamica sau prietena, tinta primeste 5+
Gone to ground are in plus posibilitate de snap fire si overwatch.
Focus Fire Poti alege sa tragi fie in modelele din afara cover-ului fie in modelele dintr-un anumit tip de cover (daca sunt in cover diferit). Doar acele modele pot muri indiferent de numarul de wound-uri.
Assault phaseThe charged unit can choose to shoot
overwatch against a unit that charges it. Only once per turn. BS =1. Overwatch cannot cause morale checks or pinning.
Charge range is 2d6.
Charging moves are the same as before (closest to closest unengaged, etc)
Charging through difficult terrain = initiative reduced to 1.
Pile-in moves are 3". And are done after each initiative step.
Spre exemplu daca sunt modele cu I= 4, 2 si 1 atunci se dau atacurile de I4, se scot mortii, se face pile-in 3", se dau atacurile la I2, se scot mortii, se face pile in 3", s.a.m.d.
Bonuses to No. of attacks are the same= +1 for charging, +1 for additional ccw.
Wounds are allocated first to closest engaged models (in base2base) with the models at the current initiative step and then to closest. AFTER these models are removed then the remaining wounds are allocated to the next closest models that are in base 2base.
Lookout sir is the same as for shooting.
Morale checks after CC sunt calculate la fel (Ld - wound-urile diferenta= moral test value).
Sweeping advances are the same.
Daca CC-ul se termina la egalitate atunci se mai face un pile in de 3".
Consolidation e la fel =d6".
Deci e cam greu sa iasa unitatile implicate din CC. Nice.
Daca un squad face multiple charge atunci pierde atacul bonus +1 de sarja. Toate unitatile sarjate primesc overwatch. Ouch.
MoraleMorale checks are taken when losing 25% or more during a single movement or shooting.
Sau cand se pierde asaltul.
Falling back is the same.
Regrouping. This changed big time si la jucatorii non-marinei o sa le placa.
Regruparea se face la inceputul turei de movement inainte sa se miste si poate fi facuta de ORICE squad care are macar 25% trupe ramase.
Daca sunt sub 25% mai exista o snasa pe snake eyes.
Awesome! Nu mai fuge squad-ul de 4xCSM, veterani cu mii de ani de experienta doar pt. ca au ramas mai putin de jumate.
Regrouping squads can make a 3" move. Cannot move, run, or assault and can only fire snap shots.
Regrouping when assaultedNormal leadership test. If passed then CC ensues. If not, then the unit is wiped out. The charger must complete the charge move.
Special rules (fostele USR-uri)
Nu le voi lista pe toate ca is prea multe ci doar pe cele mai importante care s-au schimbat sau cele noi si care mi se par cool.
And They Shall Know no fearThe same as before. It can move, charge, shoot,in addition to the 3" regroup move.
Also immune to Fear.
Armourbane2d6 against vehicles for melee.
Blast Blast weapons are the same doar ca nu pot trage snap fire.
Blind Models hit by blind effect weapons must take a Ld test. If failed then WS and BS are reduced to 1.
Bulky - counts as 2 models
Very bulky - counts as 3 models ( Guess that's where I fit in ha?
Extremely bulky - counts as 5 models.
Deamon 5+ invul & cause Fear.
FearTest at the biginning of each fight sub phase. by Ld test. If failed then WS reduced to 1.
FearlessNo longer causes no retreat wounds! Happy happy joy joy!
FleetChanged to re-roll a single D6 for charging distance.
Furious chargeDa doar +1 la Strength acum. +1 la Init is gone now
also Lost when attacking multiple squads.
Hammer of WrathEach model with this rule causes one atomatic with it's strength and with AP- at I10.
InterceptorLa sfarsitul turei de movement a inamicului unitatile cu interceptor pot trage intr-o unitate care a venit din rezerve.
Jink5+ cover. Daca merge flat out sau turbo boost atunci devine 4+. ( Pamps says: Hydras don't care. And laughs maniacally.
Lance, Melta and Master-crafted are the same.
Move through cover e la fel. In plus ignora Dangerous terrain tests. Awesome, ha?
Power of the machine spirit is the same.
Rage+2 attacks when charging. Lost when attacking multiple squads.
Relentless and Rending are the same.
Shred re-roll failed to wound rolls.
Skyfire Use normal BS when making shooting attacks against flyers.
SmashAttacks made are at AP2. It can choose to halve it's attacks to double the Strength to max=10, and re-roll armour penetration rolls.
Split fireAwesome rule. Modelel cu regula asta fac un Ld test si pot trage intr-o alta unitate decat ceilalti. Sa vedem cine o sa aibe regula asta
Stubborn is the same.
Tank hunters. Re-roll armour penetration rols when shooting or in CC and can re-roll glances.
Unwieldy attacks are made at I1.
Vector Strike at the end of movement, a unit over which the model passed can be chosen to take D3 +1 hits with models S and AP3. Counts as firing a weapon for the following shooting phase.
Aaaaand that's about it for today folks. Cyaz laterz.