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Zvonuri De Fantasy

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1Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 9:26 am


Furacios de blugi

Pt. ca trebuie asa ceva si la sectiunea de fantezie a ciocanului de razboi.

2Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 12:25 pm


Furacios de Gin

Aici stim de Tomb Kings candva in Aprilie dupa Grey Knights. Dupa urmeaza probabil ceva de 40k din nou. Necrons poate sau Tau, dar sigur vom vedea TK in primavara asta.

3Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 9:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

TK sunt deja confirmati pt mai.

Accept donatii sa pot sa-mi iau un old tk battalion pana at. Very Happy

4Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 10:04 pm


Furacios de Gin

Vrei sa joci Tomb Kings pana la urma Mihai?

5Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 11:01 pm


Furacios de blugi

Nu ca i-ar fi jucat vreodata ... Rolling Eyes

Si cu Warriors of Chaos cred ca a jucat doar de vreo 2-3 ori...Statusul WhFantasy in TM e cam jalnic... Sad

6Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 10, 2011 11:15 pm


Furacios de Gin

Daca vrea cineva sa jucam meciuri de editia a 8-a eu sunt amator Wink

7Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Vin Mar 11, 2011 1:46 pm


Furacios de blugi

Bogdan a scris:Daca vrea cineva sa jucam meciuri de editia a 8-a eu sunt amator Wink
WBF sapt asta nu, dar ce ai zice Bogdane sa scoti Khadorul de la naftalina si sa dam un 25?

8Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Vin Mar 11, 2011 2:03 pm


Furacios de Gin

You're on bubba. Ne dam in gura Smile

9Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Vin Mar 11, 2011 4:00 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
Bogdan a scris:Daca vrea cineva sa jucam meciuri de editia a 8-a eu sunt amator Wink
WBF sapt asta nu, dar ce ai zice Bogdane sa scoti Khadorul de la naftalina si sa dam un 25?

WBF = Warhammer Bantasy Fattles? Shocked

Si cum adica sa vi-o dati in gura? Inteleg ca Mihai e mai slaaneshi de felul lui si ca toti il mai veneram pe el/ea din cand in cand dar totusi...putina decenta Razz

10Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Vin Mar 11, 2011 4:11 pm


Furacios de Gin

Aaa da.. nu ne-o dam la propriu ci Winterguarzii mei o s-o dea in gura la Satyxis in moduri perverse. Hai sa mutam conversatiile de Warmachine in forumul care trebuie. Mihai, tu si cu mine 25 de puncte!

11Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 17, 2011 6:39 pm


Furacios de Gin
nu ma impresioneaza prea tare regulile, dar modelu e supermegaextra...

12Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mar 17, 2011 10:42 pm


Furacios de blugi

lemanruss a scris:
nu ma impresioneaza prea tare regulile, dar modelu e supermegaextra...

Da, Land ship ca idee si model e fain,...pacat ca e asa de scump. Laughing

13Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Mar Mar 29, 2011 11:16 pm


Furacios de blugi

14Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Mar Mar 29, 2011 11:49 pm


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:The Tomb kings are coming!

In mai!

Sad credeam ca e ceva informatie noua... poate si niste poze... am fost dezamagit ca mi-am facut prea multe sperante. Razz

15Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Mar Apr 05, 2011 10:29 pm


Furacios de blugi

Si informatie noua cu poze aici.

Tomb guard ca si lorzii sau ce plm is aia arata superb. Warsphinx-ul e fain si nu prea, nush, sunt cam indecis in legatura cu el.

Sepulchral knights is, okish...poate mai trebuie si alte unghiuri sa vedem cuma arata per total.

Aia pe cobre arata oribil insa...mi se pare ca nu se potrivesc de loc.

Pacat ca nu apare nimic de Ushabti si bone giant (niste modele faine in metal si cu potential enorm) si depre screaming catapult.
Poate or fi in al doilea val.

P.S.: Si cartea se pare ca va fi hardcover.

Edit: Pt. ca gramatica e grea!

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Tarash_Bulba in Mier Apr 06, 2011 8:48 am, editata de 1 ori

16Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Mier Apr 06, 2011 8:13 am


Furacios de blugi

Sa te caci imprastiat... cu stropi. Tot caii din '92... tomb kingul arata oribil... sprue-urile de warrior sunt varza sper macar sa le corecteze... (matrita ori whatever e uzata rau)

tg sunt tari si sfinxul e fain si sincer si serpisorii imi plac...

17Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Lun Aug 29, 2011 3:31 am


Furacios de Gin

Ogre Kingdoms new book sunt pt. Advance Order!

Adi! Trezirea!

18Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Lun Aug 29, 2011 11:35 am


Furacios de blugi

Da, da. Am vazut si planuiesc sa imi iau cate ceva. Dar incet si fara graba. Oricum, fara sala si fara joace nu am de ce sa imi iau acu' stuff.

19Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Dum Oct 28, 2012 5:53 pm


Furacios de blugi

Un nou wave pt. Warriors of chaos.
Warshrine-ul in sine e fain. Carausii is cam nasoi...
Skullcrushers is foarte faini.
Calaretii de Slaanesh sunt meh.
Scyla ala e oribil.
Valkia si Festus is superbi.

20Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Lun Mai 05, 2014 9:58 pm


Furacios de blugi

So, second week of wood elves... ce parere aveti, cred ca au bagat si niste troopeti... Mi se pare ca si-au pierdut unicitatea si arata mai mult ca verii lor numai ca astia is pictati cu teme forestisi. Nu arata rau, nici pe departe dar parca nu mai sunt aceasi wood elves... oricum modelele vechi o sa faca discrepanta daca o sa fie in aceasi armata cu astea noi.

Btw de unde pot lua si eu armybookul asta precum si altele? Mi usual suppliers dont seem to have them anymore.

21Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Lun Mai 05, 2014 11:12 pm


Furacios de blugi

Din ce am inteles cica DE, HE si WE au fost dezvoltati laolaltasi e normal sa existe overlapping la unele reguli si la estetica.

Mie unu' imi plac copacii. Stag riderii sunt OK fara a fi super, oricum mai reusiti decat cei d ela Legion of Everblight...Speramenii aia is nice, dar aia cu glaives is meh....

WE au unitatile de core (infantry models) foarte reusite si mi se pare ca nici nu le trebuie update. Poate doar copaceii aia mici nush cum le zice.

Legat de armybooks and shit si eu as vrea sa aflu de unde ? Wink

22Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Mai 08, 2014 9:39 am


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:Speramenii aia is nice, dar aia cu glaives is meh....

WE au unitatile de core (infantry models) foarte reusite si mi se pare ca nici nu le trebuie update. Poate doar copaceii aia mici nush cum le zice.

Legat de armybooks and shit si eu as vrea sa aflu de unde ? Wink

La mine e exact invers glaives i like, spearmenii mi se par prea high elvish. Dryads are okish too, si tinand cont de pret sunt foarte ok. Glade guards si glade riders, nu le-ar fi stricat niste detalii, dar si pretul este mult mai ok decat pentru alte unitati.

23Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Dum Mai 11, 2014 4:26 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
La mine e exact invers

Diversity! Wink cheers 

24Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Joi Sept 04, 2014 2:19 pm



So Nagash has returned and apparently the Old World is getting fucked. I got this list from Heresy Online, summing up the current situation (after reading the Nagash book, I think):


-Nagash has been resurrected by Arkhan the Black and Mannfred von Carstein by sacrifcing several important figures including Aliathra the Everchild and Volkmar the Grim. He then resurrects Vlad von Carstein.
-In order to achieve this resurrection Mannfred and Arkhan gathered the artefacts of Nagash, along the way Arkhan had to kill Heinrich Kemmler who turned to Chaos and Anark von Carstein who tried to murder him, and Mannfred killed Warlord Feskit of Mordkin and Markos von Carstein. Meanwhile Elize von Carstein has killed Cicatrix the Beautiful.
-Once Nagash is resurrected he binds the Undead to his will, including Neferata. He then assaults Karak Azul and is responsible for the deaths of Thorek Ironbrow and King Kazador. He then finds either the tomb of Valaya or the actual Ancestor Goddess herself and drains her magic from her, meaning the Dwarfs are down an Ancestor God.
-Zacharias the Everliving is killed for trying to bargain with Nagash as is Melkhior. Dieter Helsnicht however is smart and bends the knee.
-Nagash and co then march on Nehekhara and wage war with the Tomb Kings. Using Arkhan as a trojan horse Nagash sneaks into the city inside the captured Arkhan, while Krell is possibly killed for good, and manages to get out of Arkhan's body and start causing chaos. Settra meanwhile tries to find the Destroyer of Eternities but can't because the Skaven have told Apophas about it and he stole it. Nagash and Dieter Helsnicht start a ritual that allows Nagash to go into the spirit world and confront Usirian, The Nehekharan God of Death, and kills him and then takes his power, leaving Helsnicht as the Guardian of the Underworld.
-Nagash defeats the Tomb Kings and kills Apophas when the assassin tries to kill him and fails. Khalida bends the knee and Nagash takes his army north to wage war with Chaos, but Settra has survived and someone else is invested in helping him.

The Elves
-Teclis is working with Malekith and is responsible for the Everchild being captured in the first place, in a xanatos gambit to weaken Nagash so that he won't just rush in and get killed fighting Chaos.
-Daemons are swarming all over Ulthuan and Tyrion is leading the defence, he does not know what Teclis has done but it's likely he's going to find out.
-Alarielle is in Athel Loren trying to help Ariel the Mage Queen heal from the dying forest and Oak of Ages.
-Finubar has gone into exile in the Heavenbright tower, trying to figure out what to do about the End Times.
-Eltharion the Grim and Belannaer have been killed by Arkhan the Black and Mannfred von Carstein respectively, and Eldyra of Tiranoc has been turned into an Elf-Vampire by Mannfred.
-Also a Wood Elf raiding party has been teleported to Ulthuan by Lileath herself for reasons unknown.

The Dwarfs
-King Ungrim Ironfist has bested the biggest army of Beastmen in the world led by Malagor the Dark Omen, but 8 out of every 10 Dwarfs in Karak Kadrin are now dead and they must lick their wounds.
-King Kazador and Thorek Ironbrow are dead, and Karak Azul is gone with them. Nagash used this battle to locate either the body of Valaya or the goddess herself and drain her magic. So the Dwarfs are down an Ancestor God.
-Gotrek Gurnisson is in Kislev fighting against the hordes.
-The Underway is apparently filled with Skaven and Goblins, but the Holds have not yet come under attack by them.

-Mallobaude the Serpent teamed up with Arkhan the Black to unseat King Louen Leoncouer, his father, and killed him in battle. However the Green Knight arrived and killed Mallobaude, then revealed himself to be Gilles le Breton who is now the restored King of Bretonnia.
-La Maisontaal Abbey is gone, plundered by Arkhan the Black. Duke Tancred of Quenelles and Theoderic of Brionne are dead by his forces.
-Morgiana le Fay was turned over to Mannfred by Drycha for reasons unknown, turned into a vampire and ritually sacrificed by Arkhan who has promised to let her rest in peace.
-Bretonnia is still in chaos with half the realm denounced as traitors for supporting Mallobaude and the undead hordes pillaging the ruined provinces.

Wood Elves
-Heinrich Kemmler shattered the Vaults of Winter and let all the bad stuff out. Because of that the Oak of Ages is dying and Ariel the Mage Queen with it. Orion is pissed to hell and taking it out on anything that even comes close to Athel Loren.
-Durthu and the Treekin are walking the razors edge of insanity.
-Beastmen and plague are ravaging the forest, only Orion and the Wild Hunt are holding them back.
-Araloth of Talsyn and his troops have been taken to Ulthuan by Lileath for reasons unknown.

The Skaven
-The Skaven have finally united as a race and have emerged. Tilea and Estalia are gone, devoured and enslaved by the forces of the Under-Empire, and Araby is being besieged above and below by their forces.
-Clan Mordkin has lost it's leadership to Mannfred who killed them and took the Fellblade.
-The Skaven attempted to ensure Nagash's death by informing Apophas of the Destroyer of Eternities but it didn't work out.

-Archaon and his forces are kicking ass and taking names all over the planet.
-Vardek Crom is dead, killed by Valten in an ill-fated attack on the Empire.
-Heinrich Kemmler turned to Chaos and has died for it, as did Walach Harkon.
-Valkia the Bloody is besieging Naggarond at the head of a massive army.
-Throgg the Winter King controls the north of Kislev and is attempting to find out how to make other Trolls smart like him.
-The Changeling attempted to assassinate Karl Franz and Valten and was bested by the latter.

The Empire
-Volkmar is dead, sacrificed to resurrect Nagash.
-Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is dead along with most of the nobles of Nuln after the peasants rebelled.
-Leitdorf, the Grand Master of the Knights of Sigmar's Blood, is dead along with a good chunk of his order after they attempted to stop Mannfred and Arkhan's ritual.
-Balthasar Gelt has turned to the dark side, attempting to fix something allowed Vlad von Carstein to manipulate him into becoming a necromancer, and an unfortunate incident with the Elector Count of Hochland resulted in him dying so that Gelt's secret can be kept. Gelt then tried to protect the Emperor from an assassin and revealed his new necromantic powers, and has had to flee the Empire because of it. The Witch Hunters went medieval on the Gold Order for it.
-The Changeling attempted to assassinate Karl Franz. Ludwig Schwarzhelm is dead along with half of the Reiksguard, but Valten banished the Daemon. Karl Franz gave him Ghal-Maraz and in battle with Chaos Valten kills Vardek Crom and Karl Franz is badly wounded by Walach Harkon who is then killed by Vlad von Carstein.
-Kurt Helborg is dreaming of his death against a Greater Daemon of Nurgle but has survived an encounter with one during the battle.
-Vlad von Carstein has infiltrated the Empire and is doing god knows what with part of their defences.
-The Amber Order is now leading the other Colleges of Magic since their magic, the Wind of Death, is pretty much ascendant now.

The Beastmen
-The Beastmen under Malagor the Dark Omen have summoned the Great Herdstones across the planet and are just waging war all across the surface of the world for the evulz. But Malagor's own army has been destroyed by Karak Kadrin, Malagor's own fate is unknown.

The Lizardmen
-The Daemons are going medieval on Lustria, and the entire continent is aflame.

The Orcs and Goblins
-Every single Orc in the Badlands has mobilized and they are currently fighting to find out who will be dominant. No word on what the Goblins are doing.

The Ogres
-The Ogres are on the move. No word on where.

-Kislev is gone. The north is ruled by Throgg the Winter King and Archaon's forces, while the south has been annexed into Ostermark. The Tsarina was last seen leading attacks on Chaos forces with her Ungol horsemen troops, but Kislev as a state is dead.

25Zvonuri De Fantasy Empty Re: Zvonuri De Fantasy Mar Sept 09, 2014 10:17 am


Furacios de blugi

Whoa, Mannfred and Arkhan seem so OP and unstopabble....O fi end times da' parca-i prea de tot. Anyway, poate de asta e nevoie ca sa se scuture din amorteala universul WHFB Smile

P.S.: La modul cum tot crapa dwarfii si elfii, ma mir ca mai exista...

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