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Rise of Zalmoxis Part I - Battle for Haemus III

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Haemusian Guard objectives:

- Rally all loyalist units and secure what territory we still have. Send a message to the rest of the Imperium and let them know about what's happened.
- Link up with Mechanicus units and offer support in exchange for any help they can give (ammo, troops, info. etc.)
- Find out who or what this Zalmoxis is and terminate him. But we all know who he really is.
- End this rebellion and restore order.

Really what did you expect the PDF to do?

Every officer and trooper in the command center dropped what they where doing and saluted as General Rhesus walked in, his two bodyguards in hulking carapace armor behind him. He threw the officers a sharp salute and went over to the flickering hololith table while everyone resumed what they where doing.

The hololith - when it worked - showed a map of the continent. It was crawling with troop movements, a distressingly high number of them in red. The rebel armor seemed intent on running down two regiments of infantry that who were now paying the price of staying loyal. Rhesus felt a bitter taste in mouth at the thought but there wasn't anything he could do about it. The two units were to far north, help would never get there in time. The holo image flickered again and the General gave the table a firm whack that seemed to do the trick. One of the tech priests - a very junior member judging by his lack of augmetics - winced in sympathy.

"Report" said Rhesus, not even looking at his haggard officers. They were all so shaken by the rebellion, they looked like they had been on campaign for two decades. This will not do, thought the General.

"All loyal units, except the 30th and the 6th Light Infantry, have begun digging in" said Tactician Owens. Tall and cavernously thin, dressed in the black uniform the Imperial Tacticae, Owens was not an inspiring figure by any means. He was however, completely unaffected by this rebellion, which at the moment made him more useful then every Colonel that Rhesus could command.

"Morale is sadly low among the troops, they are still trying to understand how this could happen" Owens continued.

"I'd like to know how this happened" muttered Rhesus.

"The Commissariat has brought it's full force upon the men and they estimate that morale will be back to normal within a few days." For once Rhesus was happy to hear about the Commissariat. Say what you will about their methods of enforcing discipline, they were all political animals and knew how to use words to motivate men. "Meanwhile, they've got the men digging in to keep them busy."

"Good. What are we doing about their tanks?" Most of the tank regiments had gone over to the rebels and Rhesus knew that would be a problem in open country.

"We've contacted Magos Militant Archer and asked him if he can increase production of the CR90 Mk.2 Haemus pattern shoulder launched rocket propelled grenade" said Magos Amyntas, his voice dull and flat. Rhesus doubted there was anything left of the Magos' original body, except perhaps his brain.

"We've also begun to lay minefields along likely invasion corridors, though I don't know if they'll be finished in time" added Owens.

"It's a start" said Rhesus while looking over a datapad with troops numbers. "Issue a notice to all citizens that marshal law is now in effect. Anybody of fighting age not working toward producing war material or otherwise engaged in vital work, will report to the nearest recruiting center. Have the Adminstratum send out notice letters to all those that are fit. We need to get our strength up fast."

"The Adeptus Arbites have also offered to fight alongside our troops" said Colonel Burone. "They could provide useful assault troops in urban areas."

"Good. Now what about the rest of the Imperium?"

"I've talked with Madame Senka and she's confirmed that a message has been sent" said Major Levnov.

"We should send a petition to the Adeptus Astartes as well."

"Do you honestly think they'd bother with something so minor, Colonel Burone?" asked Owens. In response, Burone shrugged. Who could know the mind the post-human Astartes. Most people didn't even believe they existed, except as a myth.

"Can't hurt to ask" Rhesus said and he nodded to Levnov to see to it. "Now then gentlemen, let's see about planning this war, shall we?"

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Garak in Vin Noi 02, 2012 5:33 pm, editata de 1 ori


Furacios de blugi

OMG Pamps! Nice pieace of work! Deja abia astept sa vad ce se va intampla in continuare... cu POV-uri and action and kinky stuff(well if Mihai's NL are involved Embarassed ) for everybody!

Ar trebui sa narezi chestiile importante ce se vor intampla in aceasta campanie si la sfarsit sa punem laolalta ...Poate iese de un fan made fluff/campaign de calitate! Si de care ne vom reaminti peste ani si si de Istvaan III Very Happy Wink


Furacios de Gin

Facem si-un campaign booklet, promit! Ma pun acuma sa impart harta in teritorii.


Furacios de Gin

N-am avut chef sa impart teritoriile dar am plasat niste zone urbane (nu toate), inclusiv capitala. Check out the 1st post.


Furacios de Gin

Major map update, bitches! What a Face


Furacios de blugi

Nicely done. GG.

P.S.: Peninsula din nord vest si insulele din sud nu intra la scandal? Sau regiunea polara? I dunno, ceva ca secret labs, bases, defense lasers or somthin' Wink


Furacios de Gin

Nu, 55 de teritorii cred ca sunt mai mult decat suficiente.


Furacios de Gin


Haemusian Guard

Special Rules:

Mostly on foot: The Haemusian Guard may only field 0-2 Heavy Support selections per battle.

Hatred (Haemusian Liberators): A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all misses during the first round of each combat.

Special Characters:

General Thraco Rhesus – 100 points

Eternal Warrior
Veteran of the First Haemus Rebellion (+1 WS, +1 T)
Master Tactician (Rhesus adds +1 to his side's Initiative roll and Seize The Initiative roll)

Bolt Pistol
Ixion's Fury (Single Handed Sword, +2 S, AP2)
Carapace Armour
Trojan Pattern Force Field (4+ Invulnerable Save)
Frag & Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs


Furacios de blugi

Jeneralu' Rhesus pare cam OP pt. un simplu comandant de PDF. Pare chiar mai tare ca Straken sau capitani/Lorzi de SM/CSM. Ma rog, nu ma deranjeaza neaparat doar ca nu pushka, chiar si daca e veteran de IG retras PDF la batranete tot nu sunt credibile stats-urile alea...
I mean power sword cu +2 la S si AP2? Nu ai nici o arma cu AP-ul ala in ed.6 care sa dea asemenea bonus-uri fara sa aibe si negative gen I 1.
SI Eternal warrior? really, nici Straken sau Creed nu au. Doar Yarrick are si ala costa 185 de puncte cu vreo 2 gimmick-uri in plus de ce i-ai dat tu la Rhesus si cu unele stats-uri mai nasoale.
Si mai cara in spianre si un bolter si un bolt pistol...hmmm

Parerea mea e ca daca vrei sa il faci greu de omoarat (doar o banuiala a mea)poti sa folosesti o ruta mai credibila decat sa il faci mai tare decat un Capitan/ Lord de SM/CSM. Ceva de genul limitat in anumite misuni strategice sau de importanta vitala (gen protect the capital) si eventual inconjurat de badigarzi care sa coste).

In schimb Haemusian Guard pare faina, simplu si la obiect, believable.

Acu' stiu ca scrisul nu este cel mai bun mediu de a transmite idei si stari dar nu vreau sa crezi ca e un atac la persoana, doar ca caracterul asta e necredibil in contextul 40k, PDF colonel, just some planet somewhere amongst millions.

Mnah, just my 2 cents.


Furacios de Gin

Thanks for your feedback. O sa-l revizuiesc.


Furacios de Gin

General Thraco Rhesus – 90 points

Veteran of the First Haemus Rebellion (+1 WS, +1 T)
Master Tactician (Rhesus adds +1 to his side's Initiative roll and Seize The Initiative roll)

Bolt Pistol
Ixion's Fury (Single Handed Sword, +1 S, AP3)
Carapace Armour
Trojan Pattern Force Field (4+ Invulnerable Save)
Frag & Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs



Furacios de Gin

Un squad care poate fi luat doar daca Rhesus e prezent in armata.

0-1 Haemusian Royal Guard – 60 points

The squad consists of 5 Royal Guardmen. Up to 5 extra Royal Guardmen can be added for 12 points per model.

Elite Training (+1 WS, +1 BS, +1 I, +1 A)
Hard Discipline (+2 Ld)
Close Combat Weapon
Carapace Armour
Frag & Krak Grenades


Furacios Biban

i think the dude's stats would be ok now IF he'd cost the same as before. mă refer adică la 3W, WS5, (Ld11?). Sau toate statsurile din caracteristici sunt deja incluse în profil?


Furacios de Gin

sunt deja incluse. Oricum eu iau ca referinta codexul de garda, unde un company commander cu 3w si 4 veterani sunt 50 pts.


Furacios Biban

ah, rite. garda. Shocked i keep forgetting the cheapness


Furacios de blugi

Kelvon a scris:sunt deja incluse. Oricum eu iau ca referinta codexul de garda, unde un company commander cu 3w si 4 veterani sunt 50 pts.

Yep. Sounds about right, colonelu & ze badigards.Smile Thx ca ai luat in seama feedback-ul meu.
Tot ma gandeam azi daca reusesc sa dau cu seama fara sa para prea acid. Mdeh, need to develop the skill a lil'.

Apropo, poate daca aveti idei faine pt. campanie (ma gandeam si la Pamps ca e fluff nut) poate pt. ceva extra points poti sa ii dai ceva reguli/gimmik-uri care sa il faca si mai unic in contextul campaniei gandite de tine, de genul celei pe care i-ai dat deja, Master Tactician.

Poate ceva de genul (aici ma inspir un pic din Horus Heresy scos de FW) ca sa nu mai dea pe tabelele alea (warlord traits) de ed.06, ci sa poata sa le aleaga automate unele de acolo. Explicatii ar fi ceva de genul ca e expert in city fight during some backwater rebellion or some other stuff. All suitably explained by fluff ofc Wink.

P.S.: Sper ca Pamps si/sau tu sa mai scrieti fluff stuff la campania asta! Very Happy Am still having fond memories for Istvaan 3 campaign Cool


Furacios de Gin

Which reminds me, Royal Guard aia ar trebui sa aiba acces si la ceva special weapons. Si nu-i colonel, ii general! colonel ii Kotys!

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Kelvon in Joi Dec 06, 2012 12:12 pm, editata de 1 ori


Furacios de Gin

0-1 Haemusian Royal Guard – 60 points

The squad consists of 5 Royal Guardsmen. Up to 5 extra Royal Guardsmen can be added for 12 points per model.

Elite Training (+1 WS, +1 BS, +1 I, +1 A)
Hard Discipline (+2 Ld)
Close Combat Weapon
Carapace Armour
Frag & Krak Grenades

Up to 4 Royal Guardsmen may replace their Lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Plasma Gun for 15 points
- Meltagun for 10 points
- Flamer for 5 points
or replace their Close Combat Weapon for a:
- Power Weapon for 10 points
- Power Fist for 15 points
- Lightning Claw for 20 points


Furacios de Gin

Haemusian Liberators

Special Rules:

Redshirt Rebellion: The Haemusian Liberators may only field 0-2 Elite selections per battle.

Hatred (Haemusian Guard): A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all misses during the first round of each combat.

Special Characters:

Colonel Sabazio Kotys – 75 points “The Liberator”

Elite Training (+1 WS, +1 BS, +1 I)
Tank Commander (When Kotys is used, one free Heavy Support selection can be made. This selection does not use up any slots on the Force Organization Chart.)

Storm Bolter
Power Fist
Carapace Armour
Bionic Enhancements (5+ Invulnerable Save)
Frag & Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs


Furacios Biban

daca i pui bionice vezi ca in cc plezneste la fel de rau ca tata striken Smile


Furacios de Gin

Nu stiu despre ce bionice zici, eu doar am folosit numele ala ca sa justific un save inv de 5+.


Furacios de blugi

Pare OK tata Kotys. Poate storm bolter e un pic prea mult sa traga one handed Wink.
Parerea mea este ca +1 I degeaba ca are power fist. Eventual macar tata rebeliunii sa aibe Ld 10 sau fearless/stubborn.

Eventual un grudge intre Kotys si Rhesus ce le da reguli speciale cand ajung in apropiere sau pe acelasi camp de lupta.

Si Royal guardsmenii is chiar OK, poate un stindard mai special le-ar sta bine, ca deh e imperiu si garda si gothic. Wink

Redshirt rebellion, chiar suna fain. Laughing

Apropo, redshirtzii astia nu ar trebui sa primeasca si ei ceva badigarzi pt. Kotys? Acu nu tre sa fie echivalentii gardienilor regali dar eventual ceva in vena similara? Sau poate ceva tankeri mai nifty? Ori ceva mech infantry mai chizdoshi?


Furacios de Gin

Yes maybe. Ma mai uit maine peste. I+1 in caz ca vrea sa dea la str normal.


Furacios de Gin

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