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Rules clarifications

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1Rules clarifications Empty Rules clarifications Dum Feb 17, 2013 6:44 pm


Furacios de blugi

Am recitit regulile si scrie clar:

"An Impetuous Order can be cancelled by spending 1 Order from the Orders Reserve,or the Order belonging to the figure if it is Irregular."

Pe urma raspunsuri de pe foruml oficial:

1) The army is affected by Retreat! and the lieutenant is dead. More then this only one figure (regular) is left alive. Question is, because it is a Loss of Lietenant situation, does the figure have to do an impetuous retread order, but has two order in the order reserves (because of the Loss of Lietenant situation)?

Can he do a normal order? (if he has to orders in the order reserves he can use one order to negate the retreat order and he is left with another order to use noramlly)

a: Two normal Orders plus an Impetuous Order toward the board edge. So yes, you could cancel the Impetuous Order and have a normal one left.

2) How does a (regular) impetuous figure act during a Retreat! situation?

a ) His impetuous order is lost and he has to do an impetuous retreat order?
b ) Because he already has an impretuous order, he no longer receives the retreat order, so he ignores the retreat?
c ) He has two make both impetuous orders,one towards the nearest enemy and one back towards his army table edge and if this is the case which is the order in which the order are executed?

a: a, the model is Impetuous towards it's own board edge.

Deci era corect cum am jucat noi la inceput.

2Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Dum Feb 17, 2013 9:03 pm


Furacios de blugi

Cool. Ms de clarificare.

Poti sa verifici si daca in urma unui ARO de "descopera camuflatu'" un model camouflaged va deveni ne-camouflaged?

3Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Lun Feb 18, 2013 2:17 pm


Furacios de blugi

"The only Skills whose execution does not automatically reveal the camouflaged figures are Cautious Movement and all Short Skills of Movement that do not require any roll (except Alert). The camouflaged figure reveals automatically when it is in base contact with another figure."

Si " - Can a troop do a charge (to engage in Close Combat) with a Camouflage or TO Marker? Can Markers avoid the troops even they were located at a point where any movement passes over them? (door / narrower corridor, as example)

You can not get into base contact with a Camouflage or TO Marker.

If the Marker is obstructing the passage through a doorway or narrow corridor, then the figures will go through the Marker by ignoring it. As mentioned above, the Special Skill not only includes technology but also the knowledge and ability to be out of sight. The figure, who is not exactly there, could have jumped to the frame of the door or floor temporally or just have moved to avoid colliding with the enemies. "

Cea ce eu am gresit cand te-am charge-uit pe tine.

4Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Lun Feb 18, 2013 2:21 pm


Furacios de blugi

" - What happens to the troops with the Camouflage and TO Camouflage Special Skill in a Retreat! Situation?

In a Retreat!!! situation, the troops with CH: Camouflage and CH: TO Camouflage have that Special Skill reduced to CH: Mimetism, in the same way as it happens with Frenzy "

"When a figure has lost the Camouflaged status (It is represented by its figure and not a Camouflage Marker), he can recover his former status by spending 1 Order, provided that he is not in the LoF of any enemy miniatures. A figure in TO Camouflage in LoF of a miniature that intends to Camouflage itself again will have to reveal himself if he desires to prevent his enemy from re-entering Camouflaged status. "

Si cel mai important poate:
" - Is it possible to declare in an Order discover as the first skill and as a second skill "shoot" to a camouflaged or impersonator troop (in State 2- Characterized)?

Yes, it´s possible

1 - Active player declares first skill "discover"
2 - Reactive player could ARO. If the troop dodges or shoots or any act that reveals itself, the active player does not have to roll to discover.
3 - Active player declares the second skill, shoot against the camouflaged / impersonator troop.
—3.1-If the reactive troop dodges, the active player can shoot as a face to face roll.
—3.2-If the reactive troop does not ARO and the Discover roll is successful, the shot is a normal roll. "

Deci active player poate sa dea Discover in tura sa.

5Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Lun Feb 18, 2013 2:53 pm


Furacios de blugi

MS de clarificari.

Deci fiind in retreat situation nici ala a tau nici chasseur-ul meu nu au voie sa intre/ramana in camouflage.
Le ramane doar mimetism-ul.

6Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Lun Feb 18, 2013 11:17 pm


Furacios de blugi

Citeam din reguli ca sa ma re-familiarizez cu ele.

Nu am facut bine CC-ul ala.

Chestia cu sarja tip warhammer e partial adevarata daca se alege ca ARO oricare din optiuni: shooting sau countercharge sau flee si este fail la face2face roll pt. cel care este sarjat.

Adica: ARO=Shooting e face to face roll BS vs. CC-ul atacatorului. Daca e succes atunci ARM roll pt. atacator. Daca nu, atunci ARM roll pt. defender.

Daca se alege ARO countercharge: atunci va avea loc un CC normal (face2face).

Daca se alege ARO flee: atunci e tot face2face roll PH vs. CC. Daca fail atunci ARM roll. Daca succes atunci disengage.

Deci nu e necesar un move ca sa ajunga atacatorul in base2base la care aparatorul primeste ARO si dupa inca un ordin pt. CC ci daca primul short skill e suficient sa ii aduca in b2b atunci al doilea short skill poate fi CC si se vor intampla cele de mai sus.
Pfui da complicat mai e infinitiu' asta. Laughing

7Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Mar Feb 19, 2013 10:45 am


Furacios de blugi

Daca tin bine minte cazul nostru a fost Movement Skill (charge) al doilea skill al primului ordin pentru care am primit ARO, dupa care intr-un al doilea order short skill-ul a fost CC, prin urmare eram obligat sa reactionez cu CC sau disengage, ce din intamplare am si facut.

Dar daca daca faci intr-un singur ordin Movement Skill (charge) urmat de CC skill, eu nu primesc decat un singur ARO (charge reaction: shoot, counter or flee).

8Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Mar Feb 19, 2013 11:00 am


Furacios de blugi

Eu tin minte ca ai facut ARO la shooting cu chain rifle-ul si atunci ai facut wound sau in faza urmatoare cand scotianu a venit langa al tau si ai mai primit un ARO care l-ai folosit la shooting. Si abia la al treilea ordin am facut CC-ul.

In mod normal trebuia ca al doilea shooting al tau sa fie face2face roll nu normal roll pt. ca primul move era suficient sa ajunga in CC si cu al doilea short skill sa faca CC.

Cel putin eu asa tin minte si inteleg regula de CC. Poate gresesc... Smile

9Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Mar Feb 19, 2013 11:21 am


Furacios de blugi

Poare gresesc dau eu tin minte ca atunci cand ai facut Movement SKillul am tras si cand ai facut CC skillul, care a facut parte dintr-un alt ordin, am raspuns cu CC, care a fost normal roll datorita reguli de Berserker.

10Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Mar Feb 19, 2013 12:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

AP ammo injumatateste armura, rotunjita in sus, nu o elimina complet.

11Rules clarifications Empty Re: Rules clarifications Mar Feb 19, 2013 1:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

True that!

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