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Leaks - release date, changes etc.

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101Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Sept 23, 2012 5:10 pm


Furacios de blugi

Eu te sfatuiesc sa cauti battleforce-ul vechi. Poate il mai gasesti pe undeva.

102Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Sept 24, 2012 10:06 am



Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines - Limited Edition - 50 lire - The limited edition codex is sold out so ... yeah, GW just made money.

Warhammer 40,000 Psychic Cards: Chaos Space Marines - whatever

Chaos Space Marine Heldrake - color me unimpressed

Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend/Maulerfiend - those are pretty cool

Chaos Space Marines Raptors/Warp Talons - nice and I like the fact that they are using Heresy-era jump packs

Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion - someone really loves the chaos gods

Chaos Space Marine Warpsmith - Awesome

Chaos Space Marine Dark Apostle - Nice but I still despise the Word Bearers

Chaos Space Marine Obliterators - same old

Chaos Space Marine Mutilators - that looks retarded

Chaos Space Marine Havocs - meh just convert

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer - you ain't Sindri

103Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Sept 26, 2012 8:35 am


Furacios de blugi

White Dwarf-ul s-a scumpit la 5.5 (de la 4.5 cat era inainte). Aici este un review:

104Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Sept 26, 2012 10:58 am


Furacios de blugi

Hmmmm. Primul numar din noul format il vreau sigur, sa vad cu ochii mei "schimbarea".
Dupa, mai vedem.

105Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Sept 27, 2012 1:43 pm


Furacios de Gin

Looks like an improvement, but once more I can't really digest the price increase. Si la 4.5 era cat un abonament de telefon...

106Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Oct 04, 2012 8:23 pm


Furacios de blugi

Si un review negativ:

Mi-a placut asta
Oh, and to be clear, I wasn’t always such a negative Nancy about this whole White Dwarf thing. If you’ll indulge me for a moment, I’d like to take you back to the 3rd edition era of Warhammer 40,000 and a younger (perhaps less jaded) me, hanging out in my local game store. One day I open my copy of WD and I find a Chapter Approved (remember those!) article describing the Relictors, a successor chapter of Space Marines that specialized in collecting, studying, and ultimately using chaos tainted artifacts to fight Chaos Space Marines during the 13th Black Crusade. The article was maybe three pages with a little rule bit at the end allowing you to purchase a daemon weapon and standard in your Space Marine army. Well, a few months and a few hundred bucks later, and I had a fully painted and converted 2,000 point Relictors army in time for a Battle Wagon event (remember those!).

The point: The content is the advertisement. Give me a reason and I’ll buy the product. Give me some cool new fluff and rules that I can use and I’ll model a whole new army for your troubles! That equals dollar signs for GW in a way that just showing me the models I was already looking at on the website never could. Inspiring content, at least for me, is a stronger advertisement than any mere new release photo could ever be. That in my mind is where the “new” White Dwarf makes a big misstep. I’m already interested in your products GW. I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn’t be buying your magazine if I wasn’t. Your job is to give me cool reasons to buy more, and tons of front loaded advertisements (at least for me) is not the way.

Dar cred ca in final cumparatorii sunt cei care sunt devina. Nu pentru ca inca mai cumpara, ci pentru ca sunt lipsiti de imaginatie si atunci si produsul care-i targetuieste trebuie sa se modifice, in defavoarea noastra... minoritatea.

107Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Oct 04, 2012 11:16 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
Dar cred ca in final cumparatorii sunt cei care sunt devina. Nu pentru ca inca mai cumpara, ci pentru ca sunt lipsiti de imaginatie si atunci si produsul care-i targetuieste trebuie sa se modifice, in defavoarea noastra... minoritatea.

Care a fost primul? Oul sau gaina? Razz

108Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Vin Oct 05, 2012 2:08 pm


Furacios de Gin

sataniel a scris:Si un review negativ:

Mi-a placut asta
Oh, and to be clear, I wasn’t always such a negative Nancy about this whole White Dwarf thing. If you’ll indulge me for a moment, I’d like to take you back to the 3rd edition era of Warhammer 40,000 and a younger (perhaps less jaded) me, hanging out in my local game store. One day I open my copy of WD and I find a Chapter Approved (remember those!) article describing the Relictors, a successor chapter of Space Marines that specialized in collecting, studying, and ultimately using chaos tainted artifacts to fight Chaos Space Marines during the 13th Black Crusade. The article was maybe three pages with a little rule bit at the end allowing you to purchase a daemon weapon and standard in your Space Marine army. Well, a few months and a few hundred bucks later, and I had a fully painted and converted 2,000 point Relictors army in time for a Battle Wagon event (remember those!).

The point: The content is the advertisement. Give me a reason and I’ll buy the product. Give me some cool new fluff and rules that I can use and I’ll model a whole new army for your troubles! That equals dollar signs for GW in a way that just showing me the models I was already looking at on the website never could. Inspiring content, at least for me, is a stronger advertisement than any mere new release photo could ever be. That in my mind is where the “new” White Dwarf makes a big misstep. I’m already interested in your products GW. I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn’t be buying your magazine if I wasn’t. Your job is to give me cool reasons to buy more, and tons of front loaded advertisements (at least for me) is not the way.

Dar cred ca in final cumparatorii sunt cei care sunt devina. Nu pentru ca inca mai cumpara, ci pentru ca sunt lipsiti de imaginatie si atunci si produsul care-i targetuieste trebuie sa se modifice, in defavoarea noastra... minoritatea.

Asta suna ca si "Noi suntem de vina ca-i votam."

109Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Oct 28, 2012 5:00 pm


Furacios de blugi

Link catre noile transee cu bunkere [url=Imperial defence networks][/url].
Looks awesome. Sper sa nu fie prea scumpe. Rolling Eyes

110Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Oct 28, 2012 5:09 pm


Furacios de blugi


120.00 Lire? No fucking way!!!


7.5 Lire cool!!!

111Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Oct 29, 2012 1:22 pm


Furacios de Gin

How many cultists?

112Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Oct 29, 2012 1:37 pm


Furacios de blugi

Nu stiu era doar o lista de preturi.

113Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Noi 11, 2012 2:10 pm


Furacios de blugi


120.00 Lire? No fucking way!!!


7.5 Lire cool!!!

100 Lire Wall of Martyrs

6 Lire Choas Cultists (5 Modele - 10 piese)

114Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Noi 11, 2012 9:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
100 Lire Wall of Martyrs
6 Lire Choas Cultists (5 Modele - 10 piese)

Asta nu-i chiar asa de it?

115Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Noi 12, 2012 8:50 am



Looks ok I guess.

116Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Noi 12, 2012 1:11 pm


Furacios de blugi

da, ca pret pe model pt gw sunt ok (1.2 lire modelul) dar la 20 de lire poti sa-i iei un box de marauders (16 modele - 1.25 lire/ model) si aia chiar vin pe sprue si cu extra bits, nu-s facuti din doua bucati.

Cat de cretin trebuie sa fi fost ala care a cerut pentru un hordes unit box de cultisti 5 modele din doua bucati ficare model. Poate e doar asa un mic box gen alea de 3 SM sau CSM, altfel cineva acolo sus la gw e mai mult decat prost.

117Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Noi 12, 2012 5:10 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:Poate e doar asa un mic box gen alea de 3 SM sau CSM


Ceva zvonaciuri zic ca o sa avem cultisti customizabili (ca si celelalte unitati) si alte box-uri (probabil noi plagues, noise marines, etc) din plastic impreuna cu hellbrute intr-un al doilea val pe la inceputul anului viitor.

Parca ziceau si de ceva IC-uri de plastic (gen SM captain).

118Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Noi 26, 2012 4:13 pm



119Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Noi 27, 2012 12:25 pm


Furacios de Gin

That's a huge box indeed.

120Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Noi 27, 2012 12:48 pm


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:The trench system, looks good:

Indeed. Doar ca cam costa. Nush unde se potriveste asta in queue-ul luuung pe care-l avem Rolling Eyes

121Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Noi 27, 2012 2:41 pm



Pai strangem incet banii (ca asta oricum facem) si vedem noi ce si cum.

122Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Mar 17, 2013 11:32 am


Furacios de blugi

Ze Blue commies are coming. Very Happy

Teoretic avem 3 jucatori de Tau...ceea ce ar insemna ca o portiune semnificativa a comunitatii ar trebui sa fie entuziasmata. Rolling Eyes

Edit: Si chiar daca sunt, nu conteaza ca oricum nu joaca. Razz

123Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Mar 19, 2013 12:27 am


Furacios de Gin

nu ma mai entuziasmez pina nu citesc cartulia (de citeva ori)
si inca nu vad modele noi..

124Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Mar 19, 2013 11:41 am


Furacios de blugi

lemanruss a scris:nu ma mai entuziasmez pina nu citesc cartulia (de citeva ori)
si inca nu vad modele noi..

Modelele au aparut deja (poze un pic blurry erau si pe link-ul de mai sus) si mai clare aici. Dar cum am zis...tu si asa nu joci deci entuziasmul tau e irelevant Razz

125Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Mar 19, 2013 4:58 pm


Furacios de blugi

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