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Leaks - release date, changes etc.

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51Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 10:24 am


Furacios de blugi

Not so sneaky, se vede ca a editat. Razz

Apropo, Mihai, stii ca incepi sa te transformi intr-un mini-Cipi?

52Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 11:09 am


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:Not so sneaky, se vede ca a editat. Razz

Apropo, Mihai, stii ca incepi sa te transformi intr-un mini-Cipi?

Da, m-au enervat cu cartile in format electronic pentru un singur format si acela iBook. Dar acum serios, tie ti se par echilibrate amatele? Ti se pare ca CSM are value?

53Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 11:16 am


Furacios de Gin

Armatele tale n-are valoare fratzica!

54Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 3:02 pm


Furacios de blugi

[quote="sataniel Dar acum serios, tie ti se par echilibrate amatele? Ti se pare ca CSM are value?[/quote]

Intr-adevar, CSM sufera la capitolul eficienta si putere, mai ales in fata ultimilor veniti....dar sa nu exageram, inca sunt jucabili si modelele sunt printre cele mai faine. Mai putin Failbaddon care e ugly as hell.

Si dupa zvonuri,noul codex va permite build-uri mai aproape de cele descrise prin fluff. So, why so serious?

55Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 3:30 pm


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:[quote="sataniel Dar acum serios, tie ti se par echilibrate amatele? Ti se pare ca CSM are value?

Intr-adevar, CSM sufera la capitolul eficienta si putere, mai ales in fata ultimilor veniti....dar sa nu exageram, inca sunt jucabili si modelele sunt printre cele mai faine. Mai putin Failbaddon care e ugly as hell.

Si dupa zvonuri,noul codex va permite build-uri mai aproape de cele descrise prin fluff. So, why so serious?

Vorbeam de starter set acum. Smile DA vs CSM-ul din starter set si cat de integrabile sunt modelele intr-o armata.

56Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 09, 2012 7:35 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
Vorbeam de starter set acum. Smile DA vs CSM-ul din starter set si cat de integrabile sunt modelele intr-o armata.

Ahaaaa. Mda. Avusei un pic de brainfart pt. un moment.
Deci, raspunsul meu este ca nush. Nu stiu cat de mult s-au schimbat armatele cu ed 06 si nici cat de mult se vor schimba cu noile codexuri.

Deci e posibil sa fie relativ balansata lista. Sau nu. E clar ca DA's au mai multe chestii, "aparent" folositoare, decat CSM.

Legat de modele,nu stiu cat de awesome vor fi dar bazat pe experienta mea cu 4th si 5th starters as putea previziona cam asa:

La SM:
- capitanu' ar putea sa fie intre fain si super fain. Ideea e ca cine are o armata mai de doamne ajuta de SM sigur o sa aibe unu' sau doua modele de captain asa ca asta vine in plus. Poate mere convertit in altceva....adica e nice to have
- librarianul ar putea fi si el intre fain si super fain. De astia in general lumea nu are asa de multi (dar eu am 3 deja) asa ca iarasi e nice to have.
- squad-ul tactic: sergentul s-ar putea sa fie fain si mai paote adauga un pic de variatie. Restul o sa fie cel mai probabil snap fit si deci de umplutura. Cu astia nu prea ai ce ace decat sa mai adaugi unu' doi pe la squad-urile existente ca sunt prea statici si la fel.
- ravenwing si deathwing = idem tacticals.

- could be idem captain DA dar in general cred ca lumea nu ar asa de multi de astia. Should be super fain.
- Chaos Dread. Finnaly! Si daca ai fi vazut poza pe care am vazut-o eu in rulebook-ul de 06 cred ca ti-ar placea si tie. Think Venerable dread but chaosy.
- Chosenii, ar putea fi super faini si toti diferiti . Una din unitatile de IC's mentionate in rulebook. That's a big plus in my book.
- renegades x20. La astia chiar nu stiu dar ar putea face ceva awesome chiar si cu snap fit. I dunno.

Pt. mine, care joc si SM si CSM, cred ca starteru' asta va fi foarte bun chiar daca nu prea mai imi trebe crap de SM.


57Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Iul 10, 2012 1:12 pm


Furacios de Gin

I second your last point.

58Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 12:25 am


Furacios de Gin

59Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 9:54 am


Furacios de Gin

Was ist das?

60Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 10:11 am


Furacios de blugi

Si noua ar trebui sa ne pese pentru ca....?

61Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 10:11 am


Furacios de Gin


62Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 1:33 pm



Cipi, we get it, you think GW is Satan and they are actively doing evil for the evulz. Legal issues aside, GW is no more evil or good than any other business. GW is just more anal about it.

Also this doesn't concern us one bit.

63Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 12, 2012 1:38 pm


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:Also this doesn't concern us one bit.

pt ca noi oricum folosim soft nelicentiat. *meme pirate face*

64Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 16, 2012 8:12 pm


Furacios de blugi

Some interesting stuff...and maybe, dare I say?, some good things for the future... Cool GW Studio open day

65Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Iul 17, 2012 9:13 pm



So about the chaos codex

-Release date: September 1st
-Hard back
-There is an Eye of the Gods-like table ~like the WFB Warriors of Chaos table.
You get to roll on whenever a character kills another character in a challenge, or a Walker or Monstrous Creature. There is a multitude of gifts (and curses) that your Characters can acquire which range from +1 Save, +1 Toughness, or becoming either a Spawn or a Daemon Prince!!! ~ now that's Chaos for you
-Chaos Cultists are in
-The Dragon flyer is in - think Necron Night Scythe with the main chassis replaced by a massive mechanical dragon head with segmented wings sweeping forward and around from it.
-Dark Apostles - ~Word Bearers rejoice!!!
-Warp Smiths - Chaos Techmarines that can curse vehicles and degrade terrain. ~maybe they'll have anti-psychotic grenades Smile
-New Daemon Engine - half way between a Dreadnought and a Defiler.
-Defilers are Daemons and have a 5+ Inv save.
-'Cult' units are all Elites and are unlocked to Troops by appropriate HQ choices
-No Cult Terminators ~boo hiss!!!
-Obliterators are exclusively for shooting - so no powerfists.
HOWEVER there is a new unit which is basically a close combat Obliterator.
-There are 2 types of Raptors now: regular CSMs with Jump Packs, and Possessed Daemonic Raptors with Lightning Claws.
-Possessed take multiple benefits from the Eye of the Gods table.
-NO Daemons in the Codex.

66Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Iul 17, 2012 9:48 pm


Furacios de blugi

Sounds good to me. pirat

Cu exceptia lui Dragon head'n'wings thingy...but maybe that's cool too.

67Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Iul 17, 2012 10:57 pm


Furacios de Gin

-NO Daemons in the Codex.


68Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Iul 17, 2012 11:03 pm



Vrei demoni? Allies from codex daemons. Done.

69Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 18, 2012 12:16 am


Furacios de blugi

Interesant doar ca Defilers are daemons and there are no daemons in the codex, except defilers or defilers are not in the csm codex anymore?

codex hardback meh... nu-s asa de practice

70Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 18, 2012 8:11 am



Defilers are possessed walkers, not deamons. You know very well what no deamons in the codex means (no summoning of minor and greater shit) so don't play dumb.

71Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 18, 2012 8:12 am


Furacios de blugi

Atunci nu inteleg "-Defilers are Daemons and have a 5+ Inv save." Vrea doar sa zica ca au inv save?

72Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 18, 2012 11:10 am



He might mean that they also count as deamons and thus benefit from whatever special rules deamons get (cause fear or some shit maybe idk).

73Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 18, 2012 11:12 am


Furacios de blugi

We shall wait kill, maim, burn and see.

74Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 23, 2012 4:39 pm


Furacios de blugi

75Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Iul 23, 2012 5:14 pm


Furacios de blugi

Eu peste tot gasesc 1 septembrie data de lansare? unde ati gasit voi ca ar fi in august?

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