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Leaks - release date, changes etc.

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151Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Vin Aug 16, 2013 9:19 pm



Cantitatea face multe lucruri bune ... the Imperial Guard knows.

152Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Aug 26, 2013 8:56 pm


Furacios de blugi

Cover-ul oficial, doctrinele detaliate si cover-urile de la editiile limitate aici !

Me likey what I read precious!Very Happy 

153Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Mai 05, 2014 12:18 am


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Ati auzit ca se pregateste noua editie? Aveti ceva rumours? I'm all ears...

154Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Mai 05, 2014 8:59 pm



Am auzit doar ca se face ceva. Detalii nu am auzit.

155Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Mai 05, 2014 9:55 pm


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Mda, cred ca e clar cat am fost de entuziasmat de editia curenta care mi-a futut warp portalul si cu regula aia stupida ca primul model isi ia in gura toate gloantele pana moare and so on... si nici editia precedenta cu TLOS nu mi se pare geniala, dar cam atunci am inceput si eu sa devin mai familiar cu regulile, deci noua editia s-ar putea sa aprinda o flacara sau sa puna o cruce definitiva pentru mine. Asta desigur daca o sa avem unde sa jucam. Smile

156Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Mai 05, 2014 11:08 pm


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Din ce am citit pe BoLS e mai mult un mini update la 6th. Adica o sa includa ceva reguli faq'd si errate + ceva mici balansari...nothing big.
Om vedea si om trai...

P.S.: Eu as vrea sa joc oricum, orice, 40k, Warmahordes, Infinity, ORICE DAMMIT Smile

157Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mai 08, 2014 9:46 am


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Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Blogger-image-498284593
Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Blogger-image-1327136637

158Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Mai 11, 2014 4:24 pm


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Cum am zis...not much change...doar ca are magic...errr...psychic phase.

159Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Mai 11, 2014 7:21 pm



Ca sa fiu sincer putem si noi sa facem niste schimbari/ajustari la reguli ca sa facem jocul mai fain. De exemplu inteleg logica cu closest model takes the hits dar nu cu faptul ca he can just act as a sponge for ALL the damage - au fost destule faze when this turned into pure stupidity.

160Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Mai 17, 2014 8:54 am


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161Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Mai 17, 2014 1:05 pm


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A si aparut. I dunno. Inca o carte cu reguli in numai 2 ani. Nici nu am apucat sa jucam prea mult editia 6. Si SM ed. 6 deloc.  Rolling Eyes 

162Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 16, 2014 3:50 pm



So the new Ork codex is out. I'll post a bit from Horus Heresy Online ca are detalii interesante:

From HHO -Lord of the Night a scris:Having received and read the new Ork Codex about two weeks ago I am quite impressed by the additions that have been made to Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka's lore Post-Armageddon. The real reason Ghazghkull left Armageddon is revealed and his new goal is revealed, one that if successful may well see the galaxy conquered by the Orks. It is the apocalypse, and the Orks are slowly realizing this, and it's time for their Aporkalypse to begin.

Ghazghkull is now travelling the galaxy, stomping every other Ork Warlord in the galaxy and adding to a new WAAAGH! that will be the final WAAAGH!, the WAAAGH! to end all WAAAGH!s. After ditching Helbrecht, Grimaldus and Yarrick, whose whereabouts are still unknown, Ghazghkull has crushed Urgok Da Slayer but rather than kill him as normal, has recruited him and his entire army to join Ghazghkull's. The Ork Codex's last mention is that he plans to move against the Overfiend of Octarius and do the same thing; defeat him, recruit him and then move against another Ork Warlord. Once he's done Ghazghkull believes this Great WAAAGH! will allow Gork and Mork to manifest and lead the Orks into the final battle.

Ghazghkull's goal is helped by the fact that the racial psychic network of the Orks is apparently goading them into more and more WAAAGH!s, the Imperium notes that the amount of WAAAGH!s across the galaxy is steadily increasing into numbers never seen before. The current theory by some is that the Orks psychic network recognizes that the End Times are upon the galaxy and is trying to ready them for the final battle.

And now with the Ghazghkull supplement the next stage of his plan has been revealed. Ghazghkull and his army, which has now swollen to the same size as the WAAAGH! of the Great Beast that nearly destroyed the Imperium in M32 and wiped out multiple Astartes Chapters. Arriving in Octarius Ghazghkull lands with his army and absolutely wrecks the Tyranids on the surface, destroying every last Tyranid on the surface of Octaria and earning the allegiance of the Overfiend, who actually swears loyalty to Ghazghkull without a fight, and in doing so has now created the greatest WAAAGH! that the galaxy has ever seen. And then it gets even worse for the galaxy; it is revealed that Ghazghkull can enter the Great Green, the racial psychic network of the Orks, and is dispensing orders to the Orks that still remain on Armageddon. Ghazghkull is still directing the Third War for Armageddon, only now there is no Yarrick and Helbrecht to stand against him. Ghazghkull is now preparing for the counter-strike by the Tyranids who are coming in immense numbers with bio-forms that the galaxy has never seen before and that have been created solely for the purpose of ending the war and destroying the Orks in Octarius permanently. Meanwhile Orkimedes, Ghazghkull's personal Mekboy, has nearly finished his work on the most powerful Tellyporta' in the galaxy, which if it works will be able to teleport Ghazghkull from Octarius back to Armageddon at will.

Ghazghkull's theory is that if he can get three or four more galactic sectors engulfed in an Armageddon/Octarius-level conflict then it will be enough to swell the Ork population to critical mass and begin the first stage of the Great WAAAGH! that will sweep across the galaxy.

Very much liking this new direction. Gives the Orks a real goal in the approaching apocalypse rather than just being bystanders between the Imperium and Chaos, the Orks have their own vision of the end and they plan to make it happen. And if Ghazghkull can unite the Orks, then the galaxy is in real danger of being overrun by them.


163Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Iul 16, 2014 11:14 pm


Furacios de blugi

Ja, nice ideea. Totusi, why so serious? Let's put a smile on their faces. Twisted Evil Parca si partea cu orks=silly violence era faina dar nah nu le poti avea pe toate. In other news eu nici nu mai stiu cum arata un d6 Razz .....

164Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Iul 17, 2014 2:29 pm



I still see them at D&D. But seriously, we need to play.

165Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Sept 15, 2014 8:15 am


Furacios de blugi

New Dark Eldars
Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 10703807_745853025452141_155465381625774269_n-299x394

Si cred ca toata lumea a auzit de reprintarea Space Hulk-ului. Ce parere aveti? Parca nimeni de la noi nu are SH, nu?

166Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Sept 15, 2014 10:31 pm


Furacios de blugi

Eu mi-as lua Space Hulk. Da' nu e limited edition? Adica, cum pun mana pe el? Me poti ajuta sa-l ieu? Smile

167Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Sept 16, 2014 8:16 am


Furacios de blugi

pre-order pe wayland never mind e out-of-stock de vineri

168Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Sept 16, 2014 9:08 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:pre-order pe wayland never mind e out-of-stock de vineri
Asa s-a intamplat si data trecuta...pana sa putem misca amarastenii de noi din ROse trezesc unii care dorm pi net si au bani de-i dau afara si pre-comanda TOT > Sad

169Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Sept 20, 2014 1:43 pm


Furacios de blugi

Deci un nou Haemonculus (care arata bine, pozele de pe site-ul GW nu-i fac dreptate) si Wracks din plastic. Which are nice.

Dupa care inca unul din special seturile de la GW care te salveaza de cateva clickuri in plus cand iti faci cumparaturile... si cam atat.
Horrors of the Dark City 176 lire pentru 895 de puncte maxim (toate upgrade-urile posibile si cele mai scume) aruncand o armata de 1500 undeva la 300 de lire. Sad Daca o cumperi in timp impactul nu-i asa mare si daca ai deja alta armata nu te grabesti prea tare, dar totusi pentru noii jucatori (care n-au nici vopsele, tooluri and so on) e un puternic turn-off.

PS Se zvoneste ca DE vor primi supliment orientat pe Wyches. Very Happy

170Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Sept 21, 2014 8:31 am


Furacios de blugi

Haemonculus is wracks arata f. bine. Da' stai calm ca mai apar ceva unitati saptamanile viitoare...parca 3 saptamani la rand apare cate o unitate+caracter+ supplement, poate si ceva kit mare...

171Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Sept 22, 2014 8:22 pm


Furacios de blugi

Ti-am zis ca saptamanile urmatoare mai apar chestii noi? Ia uite bombardierul vidului asta ce fain e! Desi o sa arate caraghios pe tabletop (flyere ultra rapide in 28mm company sized warfare) totushi modelul e mishto.

172Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Sept 22, 2014 8:48 pm


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Damn you, you beat me to it... Smile

173Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Sept 25, 2014 8:25 am


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More DE
Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Dark-Eldar-2-90x90
Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Dark-Eldar-1-90x90
Pare a fi din noul supliment? Sau tot WD?

Si ceva non-GW  Kabuki's Lego Praetoriana
Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 10703878_10152269132846315_7404377002730635075_n

174Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Sept 25, 2014 10:14 pm


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Ie frumoshi da' nu prea...

175Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 7 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Sept 27, 2014 2:55 pm


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Anyway... new DE codex...
Astept varianta gratuita Smile

Continut sponsorizat

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