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Leaks - release date, changes etc.

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126Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Mar 19, 2013 8:25 pm


Furacios de blugi

O miscare cam de rahat. Sunt curios care e justificarea dar oricum mi s epare ca se indreapta cu pasi mari si corporatisti catre prapastie...time will tell, vorba francezului.

127Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mier Mar 20, 2013 12:47 am


Furacios de Gin

oui, mon cher - vorba romalesului
pozele le vazui, doar ca nu ma coafeaza

128Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mar 21, 2013 8:27 pm


Furacios de blugi

I just can't understand the stupid moves i mean WTF GW??? ..... Evil or Very Mad

Edit: Oare ar putea insemna "running with the LOOT before ship sinks?"...unele comment-uri pe BoLS sunt chiar bine gandite si structurate daca puteti filtra nerd rage-ul (destul de indreptatit in acest caz)

129Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Vin Mar 22, 2013 7:35 pm


Furacios de Gin

Io oricum nu mai aveam de gand sa-mi iau miniuri de la GW. This just makes me more confident in my decision.

130Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mar 28, 2013 8:37 pm


Furacios de Gin

131Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mar 28, 2013 8:49 pm


Furacios de blugi

Asa si ? Tu ce parere ai? Comment-uri? Abtineri? Retineri? Sau tu numa pui linkurili? Ca daca vreau sa citesc info-urile pot si singur convins ca si restul din putinii vizitatori pe forumul asta pot si ei....

132Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mar 28, 2013 10:08 pm


Furacios de Gin

De obicei ma abtin la comenturi dar daca tot vrei :
- mai trebuie sa spun ceva despre preturi?
- riptide arata ok chiar daca nu se potriveste cu doctrina.
- Sun Shark Bomber si Razorshark Strike Fighter nu prea se potrivesc d.p.d.v. estetic cu restul vehiculelor Tau (chiar daca folosec elemente de la devilfish si pirahna), dar aici am vrut sa ma abtin pt ca unghiurile din care au fost fotografiate nu sunt f avantajoase pt modele. Regulile lor, care deocamdata sunt doar zvonuri, par a fi interesante.
- XV88 Broadside vor avea twin linked Heavy Rail Rifle care va deveni str8. La mine nu place zvonul aista la el. PUNCT.
- Sky Ray - can target land or air targets BIGH SHIT! Daca nu au mai schimbat si altceva va fi la fel de scump la vedere ca si pina acum.
-ion rifles suna interesant chiar daca nu stiu ce inseamna. La fel si pt grav inhibitor drone si pulse accelerator drone.
- Cadre fireblade suna ok
- Longstrike - wears XV02 battlesuit adica o sa vedem tau in power armor? De parca nu sunt destui cu power armor.
- mai e zvonul ca ion weapons can be overcharged. Rezulta un s8 blast. Suna cam overpowered daca nu are gets hot si parca si atunci....
- XV8-05 commander suit nu imi place cocoasa aia de pe piept. Zici ca e o tzitza cu wonderbra. Urit. Uni zic ca le place dar ca de obicei gusturile nu se dicuta.
- Riptide ion accelerator poate fi overcharged pt s8 big pieplate
- Broadsides au modele cebva mai mari. Cica de 1.5 ori mai mari. Nu imi convine din trei motive. Va las sa le ghiciti.
- Lipsesc Tau turets, tau heavy drones. remora si tetras.
Si despre preturi chiar nu spun nimic No

133Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Mar 28, 2013 11:32 pm


Furacios de blugi

In general observatiile tale sunt destul de asemanatoare cu ce gandeam si eu. Mai sunt cateva lucruri pe care nu le stim inca gen abilitati si costuri in puncte sa vedem cum interactioneaza cu regulile pe care le stim deja (gen S8 gauss pe broadside). Mie imi plac broadside-urile asa aratau comic cu tunurile alea pe umeri. Asa mai bulky arata fain. Si gauss-urile alea double barreled arata teh awesome.

Si ce e cu chestia aia cu power armor? Ce daca are? E un special character. Simt un pic de "ipocrizie" aici? Ca armatele de Tau- Crize au toate 3+ demuuuuuuult.

P.S.: Si-o fo' greu? What a Face

P.S.S: Holy sh*t! Cred ca e cel mai lung post pe care l-ai scris de ceva timp. Shocked

134Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Vin Mar 29, 2013 6:33 pm


Furacios de Gin

scriu greu pt ca nu sunt obisnuit cu tastatura de laptop.PLus ca e azerty (franceza) E f ciudata ....

135Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Vin Mar 29, 2013 6:35 pm


Furacios de blugi

Oh! Poor baby. Scriu asta de pe telefon în timp ce merg.

136Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Apr 09, 2013 9:58 am



Taken from Warseer:

Several notes on fluff:

- Tau are described as far more ruthless than in previous fluff. Gone are the days of "nice Tau". They are out to carve and Empire and the method is to kick ass and annihilate cultures. Yes, they still send Water caste to offer a sweet deal first and if it seems to work, they'll take their time, but if the alien world does not surrender will be bombed to stone-age and beyond. There is also several mentions of Tau destroying whole planets and conducting genocide on races that don't surrender. They are still described to be somewhat nicer than Imperium, but just barely.

- The Ethereal control over Tau is described as being total. "Were an Ethereal to order a Tau to kill himself, he would be met with instant obedience."

- The source of Ethereal control is not disclosed. Three possible explanations (Psychics, Technology, Pheromones) are put forward but no hint is given on which, if any, of them is the true reason for the control.

- Tau do not use Warp-based space travel. At all. In any way. No sign of earlier fluff on space travel is here. First stage expansion is not explained, but second stage was done using "ZFR Horizon Accelerator Engine" which "allowed ships to attain near-light speed". Third stage is done with "impulse reactors" which "propelled starcraft forward at hitherto unthinkable velocities". I would assume this to be true FTL travel, but still slowish since "to further lessen the burden on those space-faring craft with the longest journeys, the Earth Caste had outfitted transport craft with large stasis chambers - Aloowing Hunter Cadres or whole commands to shift to far distant battle zone months or years away without actually aging a day in the process."

- Demiurg have been apparently axed. There is a whole bunch of new xeno races namedropped here and there, but Demiurg is not one of the names.

- Commander Farsights resistance of Greater Good still goes unexplained, but his mind was apparently changed after everyone else in his unit but himself was slain by a an unknown enemy on world of Arthas Moloch "a desterted world save for strange monuments and ruined shirnes of some long-forgotten culture". "Soon, however, the mysterious beings disappeared with the same suddenness with which they had arrived." The Dawn Blade was looted from the ruins of Arthas Moloch.

- The last hint on Farsight is a little quote of his own personal recordings: "I've seen things you wouldn't believe - Entire worlds in flames, chains of supernovas on the edge of nothingness, the great hole is space. I am changed, an outcast now..."

- No word, absolutely nothing is said on any Tau being particularly resistant or immune to warp or psychics.

Now I haven't yet read all the unit descriptions word-by-word, just had time enough to scour through the fluff one the pages leading to unit descriptions, but this is what we have so far.

EDIT: and more

- The undefined FTL technology is, IMO, just fine. The Ethereals have total control over the society and the septs are very, very independent in terms of resources and military so "slower than light empire" plausible in the first phase when it was only a handfull of systems anyway. All you really need is to remember that at first phase the Empire was not a centrally led superpower but a conglomerate of septs all joined by common ideology.

- The Tau have some really impressive technology. They can harness power of the stars and make stars go nova in ways that have been previously mentioned in the fluff only for Necrontyr. Thats some really impressive stuff.

- Funny fact: Tau don't seem to understand the difference between Eldar and Dark Eldar at all. This shows in fluff passages where "War is declared against cruel riders victimizing the new colonies of Ke'lshan. Believing they have tracked their foes down, the Tau instead destroy the Eldar maidenworld of Lilarsus." Also "horrific tortures in the hands of cruel Eldar overseers" kind of points to that.

- The description on the page 30 about how a Tau invasion on a world would progress is a mix of old fluff with some nasty new twists. If you read only what happens and when the Tau takeover of an alien world wouldn't be very bad at all... Untill you read the actual text: "Whether willingly, under the intimidating threat of a pulse rifle, or after a series of crushing defeats in bloody battles, many populations now find themselves as part of the growing Tau Empire." "Important alien dignitaries are whisked off for private conferences - often returning with comforting plans of how the situation will progress, although sometimes never returning at all." "One constant is that Tau are always treated as first amongst equals." These are just snippets, but the p 30 is, IMHO, finely written emphasizing both the fact that Tau rule is, after all, far pleasurable for great masses than Imperial rule is in most places and yet still it is a ruthless system that crushes resistance, a steel gauntlet under thin veil of silk.

- As of Farsight I'm still to make up my mind, but really the fluff opens three possibilities:
1) Farsight has had a private meeting with Khorne (he now likes close-combat, his color is blood red, he has seen Eye of Terror etc.)
2) Farsight has had a private meeting with Necrons (he was the sole survivor of an attack by what sounds suspiciously lot like Necrons on a planet which sounds suspiciously lot like Tomb World, the Dawn Blade looks exactly like the balde of a Necron Warscythe and even has the same statline: AP2 with no Initiative penalty and Armoursbane etc.)
3) Both of the above
How these meetings have changed Farsight, what is his real agenda and who, if anyone, he serves now is open to speculation as fluff just doesn't tell.

137Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Apr 09, 2013 10:59 am


Furacios de blugi

Nice stuff. Stiam ca nu pot ramane semi-goody two shoes si trebuie sa devina ruthless daca vor sa s eopuna marilor puteri din galaxie.

P.S.: Blood for the Greater Good? What a Face

138Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Apr 09, 2013 11:28 am


Furacios de blugi

I'm starting to like these Tau freaks. If I will play against them I will imagine I play against N. Korea.

139Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Apr 09, 2013 11:46 am



So the Tau Empire is the North Korea of 40k. Genius.

140Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Mar Apr 09, 2013 11:51 am


Furacios de blugi

Cel putin pentru (Dark) Eldar.

141Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Mai 25, 2013 10:30 am


Furacios de blugi

Eldarii primesc codex si modele noi!

Robotu arata foarte fain. Si e imens. Are si pret de baneblade ca acolo se incadreaza (e cat un stompa).
Wraithguarzii sunt chiar faini, nu mai sunt asa de statici ca modelele vechi. Si aia cu doua sabii sunt foarte cool.
Chiar si modelele de caractere (farseer, spiritseer) si nea Illic arata awesome.

Dar fighter-ul e superb. Cel mai fain dintre toate modelele. Se pare ca in ultimul timp GW se pricepe sa faca xenos faini fata de imperiali Very Happy .

Pacat doar ca nu au refacut si modelele de aspecti (poate un al doilea val?) care chiar au nevoie de un re-do complet. Mai putin Dire Avengerii care sunt cool si asa (si oricum sunt de plastic si customizabili).

Si pacat ca nu avem Eldar player.....

142Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Sam Aug 10, 2013 9:28 pm


Furacios de blugi

Poze mai multe si mai clare cu noile modele de Space Marines aici !

Caracterele arata OK. Nu ca mi-ar mai trebui ca deja am dubluri din fiecare, lol.

Varianta de rhino arata super, mai ales cu magnetizare, tre sa imi iau unu !

Centurionii. Hmmm...varianta de CC arata nasol. Asta de shooty nu arata chiar rau, doar ca pare cam greu sa se miste in ele. Nu ca shooting platforms trebuie sa miste prea mult, dar come on.

Vanguarzi si sternguarzi arata fain, doar ca mie nu mai imi trebuie asa ca probabil ca skip.

Sa vedem cum o fi cand or aparea in carne si plastic.Laughing 

Si bineintele sa vedem si codexu...Wink 

143Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Aug 11, 2013 1:55 am


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:Poze mai multe si mai clare cu noile modele de Space Marines aici !

Caracterele arata OK. Nu ca mi-ar mai trebui ca deja am dubluri din fiecare, lol.

Varianta de rhino arata super, mai ales cu magnetizare, tre sa imi iau unu !

Centurionii. Hmmm...varianta de CC arata nasol. Asta de shooty nu arata chiar rau, doar ca pare cam greu sa se miste in ele. Nu ca shooting platforms trebuie sa miste prea mult, dar come on.

Vanguarzi si sternguarzi arata fain, doar ca mie nu mai imi trebuie asa ca probabil ca skip.

Sa vedem cum o fi cand or aparea in carne si plastic.Laughing 

Si bineintele sa vedem si codexu...Wink 
You couldn't just ignore the existance of "centurions" like the rest of us, could you?

144Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Aug 11, 2013 11:26 am


Furacios Biban

I like the PA marines, deși sunt în mare parte la fel. But one could see that as a *point* of marines. Hopefully, money will flow Sad
Deasemenea, fuckyeah.jpg, AA-rhino! să vă dau la vendete și heldrakes Very Happy

Sunt curios, "very bulky", în rules, ce înseamnă? Can't look now. Un Centurion e Very Bulky. Poate au șanse să arate ok și C.-Devastators, să nu fie IF galben pozat și poza expusă prost.

145Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Dum Aug 11, 2013 12:42 pm


Furacios de blugi

Very bulky cred ca ocupa 5 locuri in transportoare. Sau nu pot intra in transportoare. Poate. N-am chef sa ma uit in cartea cu reguli.Laughing 

146Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Aug 12, 2013 8:51 pm


Furacios Biban

147Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Lun Aug 12, 2013 9:01 pm


Furacios de blugi

Da, n-arata rau. Pacat ca am deja 10 fire de ei. Well, vom vedea daca addict-ul din mine va castiga. Laughing 

148Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Aug 15, 2013 2:19 am



149Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Aug 15, 2013 2:48 am


Furacios Biban

uuu, i like what i read. mai putin scaderea preturilor in puncte. mai bine erau mai buni si mai scumpi, but there are other l33ter armies in 40k, i guess.
Pe de alta parte, imi pare bine ca acum poate am sanse mai bune cu armata mea actuala de multi footsloggeri Very Happy

150Leaks - release date, changes etc. - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Leaks - release date, changes etc. Joi Aug 15, 2013 7:01 pm


Furacios de blugi

De multe ori cantitatea e mai buna decat calitatea...dar nu intotdeauna Wink

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