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Warhammer Books

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51Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Joi Iul 26, 2012 12:48 pm



Ok what the hell, might as well talk about Angel of Fire as well - I've been going on about it since I got it anyway. Minor spoilers ahead.

Anyone who know 40k fluff has heard of Macharius - if by some heretical reason you haven't then let me assure that Interrogator Chaplain Asmodai is more than willing to have a nice long chat with you.

BL has decided that since we have the Horus Heresy and Gaunt's Ghosts as long running series, it would be too crowded to go through another long series (especially considering that BL prints way more books per year than Star Wars ever did) so the Macharius Crusade will be a trilogy. How in the Emperor's most holy name do you tackle such a project in three books? Simple, you focus on key events and screw everything else. But how do you write Macharius? How do you show his genius and charisma? Simply, you do it from the 1st POV of a Guardsman, who wets himself if Macharius so much as looks his way.

Our POV character is Private Lemuel and his job is to be a driver. What does he drive? Nothing much really, just a Baneblade Cool Yeah, eat it you heretic suckers! Btw the Baneblade is so monumentally massive it has a galley and a dedicated crew in engineering. And as with the Titans it has it's own personality.

Leo is your typical cynical Guardsman who's just genre savvy enough to realize what his lot in life is going to be. His two friends Ivan and Anton (who thought that becoming a Guardsman was the first step on the path to becoming a Space Marine - he never hears the end of it btw) act as decent supporting characters. Other characters would be the New Boy (who does to little of anything sadly), the Understudy (who creeps out everyone but is kinda awesome), High Inquisitor Drake (Inquisitor and the man who provides additional info into the campaign), Anna (who is more than she appears to be ... info that Leo might have wanted BEFORE sleeping with her) and of course Macharius.

Now as this 1st POV, we see a normal dude's reaction to a lot of insanity which is always fun. Obviously scared by the Inquisitor, wetting his pants and feeling invincible when the Space Marines, in their drop pods, land on top of the Baneblade and kill the heretics that were in a gunfight with Leo and crew (yes a gunfight on top of a Banefuckingblade) and rampant belief in Macharius - who can make men follow him into hell. Macharius btw is not what I expected but it makes sense really. Yes, he is charismatic, he's intelligent, he thinks half a dozen people on the run can take on a Hive full of heretics, he remembers the names of his soldiers and can recognize them by their voice but what I did not expect was for Macharius to take a bolt pistol and a chainsword and go through the heretics like an Astartes, all the while enjoying the fuck out of it. The man is a rampant war junky - and I guess that's what it takes to conquer a thousand worlds like he did (not to say that he doesn't care about his men). Hell by the end of the book I was sorry this was fiction as I wanted to follow Macharius and conquer the galaxy in the Emperor's name (and blow shit up). Btw that cover with Macharius standing on the track guard of a Baneblade and with wings of fire and looking all holy and unstoppable ....that's pretty much how the Guardsmen see him.

The book is pretty fast paced with not a lot of down time as we see the Imperial forces besiege and conquer Irongrad, occupy it and deal with insurgents, get ass raped by the Chaos counter-attack and then see Macharius launch a counter-counter-attack. It never got dull and the action was never too gore heavy - Storm of Iron has more gore than Angel of Fire. And the titular Angel is something that the inhabitants of that star system worship - and they also happen to decorate the Hive City with a shitload of Angel statues with fiery wings (with real fire btw) and Irongrad has a statues the size of a Titan on top. Oh and to punish unbelievers the priests of the Angel (who can set themselves on fire at will) stick people in metal cages and burn them ........yeah this doesn't smack of Chaos one bit. No sir.

So is it a must read? If you enjoy 40k fluff and/or the IG then yes.

52Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Joi Iul 26, 2012 11:38 pm


Furacios de blugi

Mmmmm, tre sa imi dai sa citesc despre ol' Machi there.

Si Hive of the Dead! What a Face

53Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mier Aug 01, 2012 9:44 pm


Furacios de blugi

Guys, tocmai ce am terminat Void Stalker! Oh, boy, what a ride! Twisted Evil
A fost awesome, de la lupta cu Genesis Chapter si mai ales cea cu Tolemion pana la last stand pe Tsagualsa si lupta cu Void stalker Wink si mai ales revelatiile (Uzas & Cyrion was deeeelicious irony) si flashback-urile ( How many? ALL OF THEM!) post sa zic ca este una din cele mai faine carti Black Library pe care am citit-o si oficial, ADB este pe acelasi loc 1 cu Abnett.

As zice ca aceasta carte este cea mai buna din trilogie si finalul este extremely satisfying.(if I hate anything more than Chaos then it has to be those arrogant pricks Eldar)
Oh God, i was so twisted between wanting the bastard Night Lords to pay for what they did (and coming pretty close in the beginning with Ol' Tolemion there) and wanting them to escape and get some respite....curse you ADB! Laughing

Sooooooo, anyone expecting another Night Lords trilogy in the future? I know I am. Twisted Evil

Edit: Nota 4,8 din 5. It was glorious!

54Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Lun Aug 13, 2012 9:15 pm


Furacios de blugi

Tocmai ce am terminat Shira Calpurnia Omnibus care contine nuvelele Crossfire, Legacy, Blind .

In teorie urmaresc aventurile donsoarei Shira Calpurnia, nou numita arbitor general pe baza navala HQ, din segmentum Pacificus, Hydraphur.
Zic in teorie, pt. ca de fapt sunt un pretext pt. Matt Farrer sa ne descrie cu lux de amanunte arhitectura, obiceiurile,regulile, port-ul, motivatiile, ritualurile, bizareriile si, in general, viata diferitelor organizatii imperiale de pe o bplaneta importanta, Hydraphur, baza battlefleet Pacificus.
Cine citeste acest Omnibus pt. actiune/bolter porn, mai bine nu se oboseste, desi exista si actiune. Nu este recomandata pt. incepatorii intr-ale 40k-ului deoarece presupune ca exista deja cunostiintele de baza legate de universul grimdark al viitorului.
In schimb aceste carti sunt mai degraba pt. cel caruia ii plac detaliile, pt. cel care vrea sa afle mai mult despre viata in Imperiul anului 40000 (atat de rar descrisa in cartile aparute pana acum)si care vrea sa aprofundeze si mai mult legaturile si intrigile dintre diferitele organizatii.
Este o carte exelenta pt. amatorii de rpg-uri.
Are si momente de actiune dar acestea vin mai degraba ca o completare a pozei de ansamblu care face ca acest Omnibus sa stea la loc de cinste langa Omnibus-urile Eisenhorn si Ravenor pt. a forma un Mega Omnibus must have pt. pasionatii de fluff 40k.

Pe scurt, in Crossfire, nou instituita arbitor general Calpurnia il urmareste pe cel care a ordonat asasinarea sa la scurt timp dupa sosirea pe Hydraphur, si incearca sa dea de capat misterului celui care incearca sa puna in pericol festivitatile sarbatorii unui mare sfant.
In aceasta carte sunt descrise cu lux de amanunte viata intr-un Hive city, Adeptus Arbites (think Judge Dredd and you wouldn't be far off) si the Eclesiarchy, niste insight-uri interesant despre Adepta Sororitas si Mechanicum si despre Imperial Navy ca si complicatele relatii dintre acestea. Inchizitia isi face si ea aparitia,ofc.
Nota: 4 din 5.

urmareste mai mdegraba spinoasa problema a sucesiunii unuia dintre charter-ele rogue trader originale, semnate de insusi Imparatul.
Bineinteles ca lacomia si prostia isi baga coada (sau tzeentch? Twisted Evil ) si situatia o ia razna rau de tot.
Aici avem o gramada de insight-uri mai ales in obiceiurile si ciudateniile unei bizare flote rogue trader si conflictul dintre cei doritori sa controleze charter-ul ca si mai multe detalii despre Adeptus Arbites, Eclesiarchy si Imperial navy si detalii foarte interesante despre navigatori. Fnalul este awesome, in stil pur Tarantion (think the meeting in the cellar tavern in Inglorius Basterds Twisted Evil ).
Problema cea mai mare este ca mi se pare prea scurta si partea lui Calpurnia este mai mult una pasiva si neimportanta pana spre final.
But it's still an awesome piece of fluff.
Nota: 3.5 din 5.

Blind are loc dupa Legacy si povesteste investigatia asasinarii sefului bazei Adeptus Astra Telepatica care controleaza comunicarea cu si dinspre Hydraphur de catre Calpurnia (care este ea insusi under trial)

Deocamdata este cartea definitiva in materie de Adeptus Astra Telepatica, astropaths si modul cum acestia traiesc, gandesc, mor,percep realitatea si warp-ul, intrigile si bucuriile/tristetile lor precum si rolul lor in Imperiu. Awesome read.

Nota: 3.5 din 5.

Per total, este recomandata pt. fluff lovers sau pt. cei care vor sa afle mai multe despre 40k si le plac povestile cu detectivi si grimdark-ul.

Nota : 3,75 din 5

55Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Aug 14, 2012 11:26 am



So Priests of Mars is light on the actions but heavy on the characters. Aside from the plethora of new characters we also get a return of Guardsman Hawke from Storm of Iron and the Cadian 71st from Fire and Honor (a 40k comic featuring IGvsTau, written by Graham McNeil). I like seeing the return of these characters as it helps bind the setting - we even get a mention of the Crone of Invigilata from Helsreach.

The story is very interesting and since this is the first part (out of 2 I think) there is plenty left to discover (though what we do already find is very interesting).

56Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Vin Sept 07, 2012 9:49 am



Black Library has finally updated their coming soon section and there appears to be a lot of stuff there. The books I'm looking forward to and will most likely buy are:

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Shadows-of-treachery

This anthology spans the entire Horus Heresy, with short stories from Dan Abnett, Graham McNeill and Gav Thorpe, as well as two brand new novella-length tales. Learn the fate of Rogal Dorn’s fleet originally sent to Isstvan III in ‘The Crimson Fist’ by John French, and descend deeper into the darkness of the Night Lords Legion in ‘Prince of Crows’ by Aaron Dembski-Bowden.

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Greater-Good-HB

When the world of Quadravidia comes under attack by the insidious tau, only one man can defeat the aliens and save the planet in the Emperor’s name: the legendary Hero of the Imperium, Commissar Ciaphas Cain. When the aliens call for a ceasefire, Cain expects the worst, and his fears are answered in the form of the dread menace of the tyranids. As a hive fleet approaches Quadravidia, Cain must try to forge an alliance between the Imperium and the tau – but can he truly trust the inscrutable xenos?

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Death-of-Antagonis

The Black Dragons fall upon the world of Antagonis, summoned to combat the plague of undeath that has engulfed the planet. Allying themselves with Inquisitor Werner Lettinger and a force of Sisters of Battle, the Black Dragons endeavour to save the souls of the Imperial citizens who have succumbed to the contagion. But there is more than a mere infection at play – the dread forces of Chaos lie behind the outbreak, and the Black Dragons stand in the way of the Dark Gods’ victory…

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Fire-caste

In the jungles of the Dolorosa Coil, a coalition of alien tau and human deserters have waged war upon the Imperium for countless years. Fresh Imperial Guard forces from the Arkhan Confederates are sent in to break the stalemate and annihilate the xenos. But greater forces are at work, and the Confederates soon find themselves broken and scattered. As they fight a desperate guerrilla war, their only hope may lie in the hands of a disgraced commissar, hell-bent on revenge.

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Baneblade

By the blessing of the Omnissiah was the Mars Triumphant born – from the forges of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the mighty Baneblade super-heavy battle tank comes to bring death and destruction to the foes of the Imperium. As part of the Paragonian 7th Company, Honoured Lieutenant Marken Cortein Lo Bannick commands the venerable war machine in a bitter war against the orks in the Kalidar system. As the campaign grinds on it begins to take its toll upon his crew, and old clan prejudices from the regiment’s home world arise once more. In a war which cannot be won by force of arms alone, such division may prove to be their undoing.

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Deathwatch-2013

When they first came together, Talon Squad were a disparate group of Space Marines from various Chapters. Under the auspice of the Deathwatch, trained in an ironclad Watch Fortress, they become a kill-team. Alien hunters, experts in xenos extermination, their first mission under the mysterious Inquisitor Sigma is a deadly one. Of all the enemies the Deathwatch face, the genestealers are amongst the fiercest, the most invidious. Led by Brother-Librarian Karras, Talon Squad must penetrate the bowels of a genestealer lair and put the abominations to the flame or face the consequences of an entire planet's extinction.

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Macharius-fist-demetrius

As the crusade reaches its apex, Lord Solar Macharius is drawn by a prophecy to the world of Demetrius in search of an ancient artefact - the Fist of Demetrius. Rumours and legends abound of the artefact’s providence as a weapon of a primarch, the lords of the Horus Heresy. With it, Macharius believes his success and victory is assured but others crave this potent weapon, and the dark eldar will do anything to obtain it.

57Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Sam Sept 08, 2012 1:21 pm


Furacios de blugi

Wow! Cover-urile arata al naibii de bine. Cel mai mult imi place cel cu black dragon-ul executand un zombie guardsman(?) .
Sper sa fie faine cartile ca vad multe nume noi. Poate o fi si un ADB printre ei?

58Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Dum Sept 09, 2012 10:08 am



Pai ADB are o poveste in Shadows of Treachery about HH era Night Lords.

59Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Lun Sept 10, 2012 9:45 pm


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:Pai ADB are o poveste in Shadows of Treachery about HH era Night Lords.

Ma refeream la faptul ca ar fi fain ca macar unul dintre scriitorii astia noi sa ne faca o surpriza placuta si sa scrie la fel de bine ca ADB. Very Happy

60Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Lun Sept 24, 2012 7:41 pm


Furacios de blugi

Am terminat zilele trecute "Mechanicum" de Graham McNeill, din seria Horus Heresy, ce descrie inceputul rebeliunii pe marte.

O carte faina pt. ca TITAN BATTLES! (Mechwarrior vibe FTW) Very Happy dar si datorita faptului ca ne da posibilitatea de a afla mai multe despre Mechanicum in mileniul 30K si ceea ce a dus la actualul Mechanicum, plin de dogma si stagnare.
Drept sa spun, si in anul 30k sunt destul de multi adepti ai cultului Omnisiah si innovation=heresyin numar chiar mai mare decat omologii lor din partea imperiala.
Sa nu uitam ca de fapt Imperiul si Mechanicum sunt doua entitati separate, 2 imperii care doar se afla de voie de nevoie pe acelasi drum.
Exista si un plot cu si despre o administratum drone cu puteri speciale si lucrul la o descoperire ce ar putea duce la imbunatatirea omenirii si un viitor mai bun, dar asa cum stim deja, acesta va da chix rau de tot.

Din pacate McNeill nu este de nvelul ADB sau Abnett la plot-uri dar acestea sunt decente. Cu actiunea sta mult mai bine insa.

Ca si perk-uri de vom intalni cu o asasina dintr-un alt short story ce are legatura cu Horus Heresy pe Marte si cu o masinarie AI din aceasi poveste si dintr-un comics. Nice additions care il rasplatesc pe fluff junkie-ul din mine. Very Happy

Nota: 4 din 5. All in all,a good read.

61Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mier Oct 03, 2012 9:06 am



Yes, Mechanicum was a good Heresy book. Btw nu mai tin minte dar do they ever mention the outcome of the Dropsite Massacre in carte sau doar zic ca six Legion went to punish Horus?

Anyway, I'm almost done with Fear to Tread si recunosc ca ma surprins. It's not ADB, McNeil or Abnett but it's a hundred times better than the Blood Angel Trilogy din 40k (where we saw BA fall like PDF). Mai am vreo 200 de pagini (din 500) si only now is the action really starting - inainte de asta au mai fost 2-3 short action scenes doar.

This book marks the first contact Astartes have with Deamons (that feth head Lorgar and his Legion aside) and the Blood Angels are in no way prepared for it. Not only do they lack Librarians (Nikea had some serious consequences) but their chaplains (the Wardens) have their heads so far up their asses it's a wonder they didn't disappear in a small hole. They are constantly watching the ex-Librarians for any hint of psyker use and they dismiss the obvious Chaos events (dead bodies with no bones, planet turns to follow the fleet and an 8 pointed star appears on it, mass suicide across the fleet, a planet shooting fucking mountains at the fleet etc.) as nothing but enemy scare tactics and psychological warfare which only the feeble minded would fall for...... right sure, casually dismiss the planet that shot mountains at you. Are we certain that Abaddon didn't hire these guys as advisers or something, that would explain a lot.

The book builds up suspense in a nice way but I can't help but think that someone who's totally unfamiliar with the setting would feel the suspense way better than I did simply because I know what's going to happen.

So while it's not the best HH book around, it's not bad or a dud either. Worth reading and finding out some things about the Angels, about Sanguinus (and what plans both Erebus and Horus had for him) and the Flesh Tearers.

62Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mier Oct 03, 2012 10:23 am


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris: Worth reading and finding out some things about the Angels, about Sanguinus (and what plans both Erebus and Horus had for him) and the Flesh Tearers.

As citi cartea doar pt. asta. Cand o ajunge la rand Rolling Eyes .

Garak a scris:Btw nu mai tin minte dar do they ever mention the outcome of the Dropsite Massacre in carte sau doar zic ca six Legion went to punish Horus?

Nu zic nimic de outcome. Doar ca au fost trimise legiunile pt. punishment of ze traitors. Si tin minte ca au trimis 7 legiuni.

63Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mier Oct 03, 2012 12:44 pm



Btw Tarash I know that you think the Lion is going to be a traitor but as things are looking now, it's Guilliman who looks suspicious to me. At the end of Fear to Tread the surviving Blood Angels escape from the Signus cluster and wind up in the Realm of Ultramar - post Calth. So if the Angels managed to get from there to Terra for the siege then I really have to wonder what the Ultras are up to. And it's mentioned in the novella The Lion (haven't read it sadly) that Guilliman also gathered a significant portion of the surviving Iron Hands. There is also the talk about him declaring a Second Imperium to rise from the ashes of the present one - which he considers dead. I find this very interesting.

Alos while I haven't had the opportunity to read Shadows of Treachery yet, here's what it contains:

Crimson Fist - Tells the story of the Retribution Fleet send by Dorn to deal with Horus (after Garro gave his warning) and the battle of Phall. From what I saw, it also gives an insight into why the Black Templars are the way they are.

Dark King - This was an audio book so it's not new. It shows what Curze was up to before defecting from the Imperium.

Lightning Tower - Also audio book. It's about Dorn preparing the Palace for the coming conflict and him musing on the whole thing. There is a wonderful metaphor going on in the story, as the Palace loses it's noble visage in favor of the warlike trappings it must now wear.

The Kaban Project - Also not new but I can't remember where this appeared before so I;m not complaining. It's a prequel to Mechanicum.

Reven's Flight - Also an audio book. It's set right after the drop site massacre (more or less) and shows how Corax got off Istvaan V.

Death of a Silversmith - I heard some say it's not new but I don't remember this one at all.

Prince of Crows - Night Lord lovers rejoice, we get more time with our favorite psycho Legion. The story is about the ending of the Thramas Crusade (the DA and the NL fighting in the Easter Fringe for two years) and there is one point in this story which I heard makes more sense if you've already read The Lion. Sevatar apparently spends the whole time killing everything within reach, doing something ludicrous and being the resident deadpan snarker.

64Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mier Oct 03, 2012 4:18 pm


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:Btw Tarash I know that you think the Lion is going to be a traitor but as things are looking now, it's Guilliman who looks suspicious to me. At the end of Fear to Tread the surviving Blood Angels escape from the Signus cluster and wind up in the Realm of Ultramar - post Calth. So if the Angels managed to get from there to Terra for the siege then I really have to wonder what the Ultras are up to. And it's mentioned in the novella The Lion (haven't read it sadly) that Guilliman also gathered a significant portion of the surviving Iron Hands. There is also the talk about him declaring a Second Imperium to rise from the ashes of the present one - which he considers dead. I find this very interesting.

Hmmm very interesting. Nu stiam detaliile astea. Sa fi fost 2 posibili tradatori (Lion su Guilliman) ? Lion imi parea mai degraba "chaos tainted" pe cand Guilliman pare mai degraba renegade for the good of the Imperium (not chaos).

Garak a scris:
The Kaban Project - Also not new but I can't remember where this appeared before so I;m not complaining. It's a prequel to Mechanicum..
AI project. Apare si in Mechanicum si intr-un comic si intr-un short story.

65Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Joi Oct 04, 2012 10:33 am


Furacios de blugi

The Kaban Project m-ar interesa si pe mine s-o citesc.

66Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Dec 18, 2012 11:43 am



So I saw this about HH books next year (some may appear in 2014):

The Mark of Calth anthology by various authors – this follows up on Know No Fear with a number of short stories set both during and after the battle for Calth. Includes;
- Calth that Was by Graham McNeill
- Athame by John French
- The Shards of Erebus by Guy Haley
- The Underworld War by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
- Unmarked by Dan Abnett

Shattered Legions anthology by various authors – this focuses on the three legions shattered during the dropsite massacre – the Salamanders, Iron Hands and Raven Guard – and their response and actions after the incident on Istvaan V.

The Silent War anthology by various authors – this covers the war in the shadows, and may involve the Sigillite, assassins, and the psychological warfare aspect. No real details, but I expect to see the Alpha Legion feature heavily for the traitors.

Vulkan Lives by Nick Kyme – this will follow on from the aforementioned novella, Scorched Earth, and (if the title is to be believed) covers the finding and subsequent actions of Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders legion.

Unremembered Empire by Dan Abnett – of all the forthcoming titles, I believe this will be the most significant and it’s definitely the one I am most looking forward to. This follows on from a number of stories, specifically Know No Fear, Butcher’s Nails and the Mark of Calth anthology, but also ties together a number of loose ends that have been deliberately plotted in various books, such as Fear to Tread. This will mark the start of the Imperium Secundus story arc (again something I intend to cover in a future blog). I don’t want to give too much away, but the artwork for this novel is stunning in it’s depiction, and brilliantly shows a number of different emotions from the various loyalist participants.

Dupa care am vazut this post as well about upcoming HH material:


This follows on from a number of stories, specifically Know No Fear, Butcher’s Nails and the Mark of Calth anthology, but also ties together a number of loose ends that have been deliberately plotted in various books, such as Fear to Tread. This will mark the start of the Imperium Secundus story arc. This is the "Imperium Secundus" that has been hinted at so far. Ultramar is fortified as a second Imperium, because Guilliman honestly believes that the Emperor is dead. Sanguinius is to be crowned as the new Emperor, which doesn't sit well with all present. There will be a "massive superhero style battle" which Dan never expected to see in the Heresy.


The clue is in the title! Although left for dead, Vulkan has survived Isstvan V, and this story explains where he has been and why he hasn't been found earlier. This will follow on from the aforementioned novella, Scorched Earth, and (if the title is to be believed) covers the finding and subsequent actions of Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders legion.


A follow on from Prince of Crows. Night Lords HH.


No info but the title would suggest it has something to do with the Son's of Horus and their leader Horus.


Following on from 'Brotherhood of the Storm', Jaghatai Khan makes up his own mind what to do in the Horus Heresy after Chondax - it's not the answer everyone is expecting. Also links to 'Garro: Sword of Truth'


Covers the fall of the Death Guard to Nurgle and their reasons for joining Horus.


I think the title says it all.



Set on Istvaan V after the dropsite massacre, and after the traitor fleets have moved onto other campaigns, this focuses on a group of loyalist survivors and specifically a pair of Salamander marines searching for their Primarch Vulkan, who is missing and assumed dead following the massacre.


This covers the massive tank battle mentioned in Bill King’s short story on the planet Tallarn. Apparently, and the author was very explicit in this, the battle involves 10,000,000 tanks.


A follow on to Deliverance Lost, this will feature the Raven Guard assaulting an Adeptus Mechanicus forge world under traitor control. Literally, what Corax did after 'Deliverance Lost', attacking a forge world which had begun producing daemon engines. Also described is a "battle" between two floating cities which "broadside" each other for weeks while assault troops jump back and forth between them.


A story about loyalist resistance to the Dark Mechanicum forces controlling Mars.

Short Stories


Ever wondered what Marcus Valerius did after the events of Raven’s Flight and Deliverance Lost? Gav returns to the Imperial Army officer in the middle of a massive battle which isn’t going well…


More Horus Heresy Blood Angels from the author of Fear to Tread? Oh yes. This is about the legionaries left behind on Baal. How do they feel about that? And just what does that Space Marine in unmarked grey armour want with them?

Three further anthologies have been announced:


Anthology featuring stories from the Ultramar side of the war, for years after Calth. Confirmed are:

1) 'Calth That Was' (Graham McNeill) novella which links Remus Ventanus to the 40k Ultramarines continuity, along with Maloq Kartho before he becomes a daemon prince.
2) 'The Shards of Erebus' (Guy Haley) showing how Erebus learned to do his warp-travel thing, and where he got his athame dagger.
3) 'Unmarked' (Dan Abnett) following Oll Persson as he leaves Calth.
4) 'The Underworld War' (Aaron Dembski-Bowden) showing the expansion of the Gal Vorbak, and how they realise they've been left for dead by their Legion.
5) 'Athame' (John French) which is apparently a very "odd" story, following a particular knife. All we said was that it's not Erebus's knife.

Also confirmed are Rob Sanders, Anthony Reynolds and David Annandale.


This focuses on the three legions shattered during the dropsite massacre – the Salamanders, Iron Hands and Raven Guard – and their response and actions after the incident on Istvaan V.


This covers the war in the shadows, and may involve the Sigillite, assassins, and the psychological warfare aspect. No real details

Audio Books


Nathaniel Garro, knight errant and agent of the Sigillite, returns from the battlefields of Calth to find a new mission already waiting for him – a ragged fleet of Space Marines from several Legions lingers at the edge of the Terran system. With the presence of World Eaters and Emperor’s Children causing concern among the loyalist defenders and drawing a grim parallel with his own frantic flight, Garro must look beneath the obvious if he is to determine friend from foe...


Warmaster Horus has divided the Imperium in a bloody civil war, but while his armies prepare for battle the Emperor himself remains curiously absent. In his place stands Malcador – legendary Sigillite, First Lord of Terra and regent to the throne, and now arguably the single most powerful man in the entire galaxy. Imperial Army officer Hasani Sabbyat is seconded to Malcador’s command for a secret mission into the wastelands of Gyptus, and along the way he learns the truth behind the Heresy and a great deal more about the destiny of mankind. Where do Malcador’s true loyalties lie? Audio drama which hints at who Malcador actually is, and what his role is supposed to be in the Emperor's grand plans. Also laying the foundations for the Webway War.


this is the audio version of the short story released in German for the German Games Day chapbook. It will be released to coincide with the Mark of Calth anthology, a collection of short stories following on from Know No Fear. This contains three threads; one covering a human (as opposed to Astartes) interest story; the second focusing on Ultramarines trying to get to a rally point after the Word Bearers ambush; and the third detailing a titan battle (yes, you read that right, a TITAN BATTLE!!).Audio drama set during the invasion of Calth. Two Titan legions fight for control of a city, wiping out whole regiments of Army troopers and civilians almost by accident. Contains continuity links to "other new 40k projects".


This will focus on First Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fists, as he has to deal with a group of Word Bearers stranded in the Sol system (the system that Terra is in). Apparently, this will be the first time Sigismund has to fight and kill other Astartes


This will follow on from the novel A Thousand Sons and covers the choices that Magnus, Primarch of the Thousand Sons, faces and what drives his decision to join Horus’ rebellion.


This follows on from the novel The Outcast Dead, and covers the hunt for the surviving Luna Wolf, Sevarion (I think) by the assassin, Nagasena (again I think). Audio drama which explains the rather abrupt ending of 'The Outcast Dead', and the supposed timeline "error" which everyone thought they had spotted. Severian is hunted down by Nagasena in the Petitioner's City, as he tries to follow the original plan to escape Terra.


This is about Aeonid Thiel, the censured Ultramarine from Know No Fear.

+ at Christmas there will be THREE Horus Heresy mini audio dramas released through the website. Not sure if any of the above are included in that.

Graphic Novels


Full colour, 100-page graphic novel, hardback to match the rest of the HH series perfectly. This will NOT be available in partwork, nor split into comics, and is being produced SOLELY by Black Library. It follows the naval duel mentioned in 'Know No Fear', between Marius Gage and Kor Phaeron.

Art Book

Collected visions 2 type book

67Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Dec 18, 2012 2:41 pm


Furacios de blugi

Good times, good times. If we survive the end times! Wink

68Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Lun Dec 24, 2012 8:44 pm


Furacios de blugi

Zo, tocmai ce ma terminat de citit "Fallen Angels" de Mike Lee si vroiam sa imi impartasec opiniile asupra cartii si a modului cum punctul meu de vedere asupra Dark Angels si mai ales a lui Lion'El Jonson s-au schimbat destul de mult.

Ca si o scurta descriere a cartii stam asa:
Cartea de fata "Fallen Angels" este urmarea directa si fireasca a lui "Descent of Angels", actiunea reluandu-se de unde aceasta din urma s-a incheiat.
Luther si Zahariel se intorc pe Caliban pt. a antrena viitorii recruti ai chapter-ului.
Avem 2 plot-uri principale , primul urmaarind actiunile lui Zahariel si Luther pe Caliban unde acestia se confrunta cu o rebeliune majora a unei parti importante din populatie (remember "Descent of Angels" si incercare de a-l asasina pe Emperor) si de un alt element mult mai sinistru si periculos care se va dovedi hotarator pt. Luther,Dark Angels si mai ales pentru viitorul Calibanului. In acest plot vom afla motivele pt. care Luther a facut ceea ce stim deja si ne face sa fim mult mai intelegatori cu acesta. Iar ceea ce se intampla cu Zahariel ne arata ca chiar si cei mai drepti,idealisti si onorabili (post)oameni pot cadea pt. all the right reasons.
Al doilea fir narativ urmareste pe Jonson si Nemiel intr-un atac adanc in "teritoriul inamic" pe planeta Diamat pt. a refuza Warmaster-ului Horus accesul la war supplies necesare rebeliunii lui. In plus pe Diamat se afla un secret care ar putea insemna sfarsit-ul tanarului Imperiu.
In acest plot vom afla multe despre psihicul si felul de a fi a lui Jonson prin ochii lui Nemiel, vom avea parte actiune aproape non-stop de la fleet battles la astartes versus garda, versus mechanicus si versus astartes, si vom avea parte de unul din cele mai faine ending-uri din serie pana acum.

Per total, este o carte buna care merita citita, are de toate, plot foarte bune, actiune si bitz de informatie pt. fluff junkies Wink . O aditie excelenta la Horus Heresy, mult mai buna decat "Descent of Angels" care mie nu mi s-a parut oricum o carte asa de rea cum zic unii.

Nota: 4 din 5. (plotul si twist-ul de la sfarsit merita 5 din 5)

Observatie: Desi cred ca "Fallen Angels" se paote citit si stand alone, o citire initiala a lui "Descent of Angels" este necesara pt. a intelege mai bine cele ce se intampla.

Edit: Va doresc Craciun Fericit ! Very Happy

::::Here be spoilers!!!::::

Si acum as vrea sa impartasec cum acesta carte mi-a schimbat, cel putin momentan, parerea asupra lui Jonson si a Dark Angels.

In primul rand, parerea mea asa cum Pamps stie, este ca de fapt Jonson era un rebel wannabe si loialistii Imperiului sunt Luther si cei exilati/ramasi pe Caliban. Cele ce au urmat, rezultand in distrugerea planetei, aproape moartea lui Jonson si a devenitii Dark Angels si a succesorilor in temutii "Unforgiven" si vanatoarea de 10k ani dupa "the Fallen".

I wus wrong. Laughing Jonson nu este un tradator. Ci este naiv, arogant si are o lipsa total de empatie fata de semenii sai.(incidentul in care il intreba pe Nemiel ce parere are despre Kulik si Archoi este extrem de relevant pt. aceasta trasatura a sa). Lipsa s-a de empatie cred ca este rezultatul alegerilor gresite pe care le face in privinta lui Luther si a altora asa cum vom vedea la sfarsitul cartii.
Pana la urma desi planul de unire a ordinelor cavaleresti pt. unificarea Calibanului a fost a lui Jonson, de fapt Luther si-a folosit carisma, influenta si intelegerea sa asupra situatie pt. a o infaptui.
Cu toate acestea, este clar ca este un geniu militar (considerat mai bun si decat Horus) si un razboinic innascut, si mai ales loial Imparatului si Imperiului.
Din pacate naivitatea sa, izvoarate din lipsa totala de empatie si carisma, il va face sa faca greseli mari care se vor solda cu evenimentele tragice pe care le-am stiut.
Pana la urma dupa ce e a reusit sa infranga un inamic mult superior da armele pt. care a luptat si sacrificat atatea exact in mana celor de care le apara. Ironic, nu?

Si pot sa inteleg de ce Luther s-a intors impotriva Imperiului si a lui Jonson.Un om care apare o data la o mie de generatii este nevoit sa stea in umbra unuia din primarchi, este dat la o parte si vede cum planeta si oamenii lui vor deveni sclavii Imperiului. Mai mult decat atat, acestia risca exterminatus datorita warp taint-ului din inima Calibanului.
Pana la urma cine sau ce este demonul Ouroboros, prizonier in planeta insasi?
O fi o a cincea mare entitate din panteonul zeilor Haosului? Hmmmmmmm...

Eu unul abia astept a treia carte in seria Dark Angels in epoca lui 30k Wink

69Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Vin Mar 29, 2013 2:25 pm



So I'm almost done with the Ravenor Omnibus. It is awesome. Anyway I saw this artwork and having read Ravenor I love it so much, it captures the characters very well.

Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 08bf47b7532bab778bfa440f532bae89

70Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Vin Mar 29, 2013 5:56 pm


Furacios de blugi

Yep, the artwork is awesome and true. Doar ca ma intreb cine e caracterul de sus, Molotch? Daca e spoiler, then don't! Very Happy

71Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Lun Apr 01, 2013 8:14 am



Nu e Molotch dar nici nu zic cine e. O sa te prinzi.

72Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Apr 02, 2013 2:33 pm



So am terminat Fire Cast. I've seen people dislike the book dar argumentele lor (sau cel putin lipsa unor argumente beyond - THIS IS STUPID! IT SUCKS!) sunt total pe langa. Singul lucru negativ care il am de spus despre aceasta carte este titlu. Daca mergi dupa el, ar fi vorba despre Tau ... daca mergi dupa the blurb on the back iti dai seama ca it's an IG book vs Tau. This is the second book this year with a misleading title (The Greater Good being the other one seeing as the Tau barely featured in it). Un titlu mai bun ar fi fost Thunderground (granted that only makes sense once you read the book dar mi se pare mai apt).

Ok on to the book. Reading Fire Caste is like reading a wonderful mash-up of 40k and Apocalypse Now (especially that part of the movie where it seemed that the whole world has gone stark raving mad). The Imperial forces on planet are about as fucked up crazy as you'd expect (Vietnam levels of fucked up) but the Tau haven't fared any better. In fact we get to see how they act when the Ethereals aren't around - end result is a shit load of scheming.

There is a large cast of characters in this book and the author isn't afraid to kill them. At least two of those deaths actually took me by surprise as I didn't expect them so soon.

The war on Dolorosa Coil is a messy, ugly thing, like an infected wound crawling with maggots. The planet itself is tainted (probably by Nurgle judging by all the spores and fungus infesting everything). The action scenes are pretty good but the best parts of the book deals with the various characters and how they are affected by the planet and the situation (let's just say that when you scream battle cries like: The Emperor condemns! and Blood for the God-Emperor! you are severely fucked in the head).

The book is very cynical about the Imperium and the Tau (the Greater Good also get's a dose of cynicism). This is a grim book and the ending is suitably grim while also giving us one of 40k's classic plot twists using the warp in the most horrible way possible.

If you want some Vietnam type shit with a 40k spin on it, then this is the book for you.

73Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Apr 02, 2013 7:24 pm


Furacios de blugi

Oooooochei, but is it good?

74Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Apr 02, 2013 8:34 pm


Furacios de blugi

Tarash_Bulba a scris:Oooooochei, but is it good?
Garak dai cartii un scor de la 1 la 10 sau de la 1 la 5, as nowadays this is mandatory. Very Happy

75Warhammer Books - Pagina 3 Empty Re: Warhammer Books Mar Apr 02, 2013 10:34 pm


Furacios de blugi

sataniel a scris:
Tarash_Bulba a scris:Oooooochei, but is it good?
Garak dai cartii un scor de la 1 la 10 sau de la 1 la 5, as nowadays this is mandatory. Very Happy

TRU'! Cand ai queue de vro 90 de carti, iti trebuie si o metoda de sortare/clasificare.
Nu ca mini review-ul lu' Garak nu e bun (which it is) sau suficient sa iti dai seama de temele atinse, but still not convinced if I, si nota conteaza por je.

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