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The Path of Iron

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1The Path of Iron Empty The Path of Iron Sam Apr 09, 2011 10:21 pm


Furacios Biban

Thread dedicat campaniei de D&D in care eu sunt DM.
Garak = Martin.
Guard at the dubious, yet glamorously named Royal Imperial Majestic Magic Academy.
Since the events of The Feast, he has converted oficially into the faith of Kelemvor and has undergone priest training.
Currently in the employ of Baron Yurik of Reivajiik.

Muertte = Muerte the Barbarian
A mercenary hired to help Martin babysit the two journeymen mages with their various tasks. They say his strength is only exceeded by his odour.
Rumor has it he's been the one who led a bandit gang and terrorized the north, though no proof exists of this.
Currently in the employ of Baron Yurik of Reivajiik.

Bogdan = Jerwin the Journeyman.
One of the best students at the academy, so what if it's not accredited, he's still very good. Currently
Necromancer/Transmuter. Has met an unfortunate end on his way to the city of Sarshel. Suicide by negligence.

Elathanii Wellis = A native of Sarshell, convicted dirty constable and arsonist. Has not had much of a chance at life and never will. Killed by Cotillion while this character was mind controlled.

Ser Theoric = A minor noble from Neverwinter, Ser Theoric lost his family some years ago and has taken to travel and adventure as a means to forget his pain. Did some mercenary work, little, for he is picky and will not go against his conscience.
Collaborator of the Harpers, his contact in Sarshel is Stephen.

Motzi = Zax
A fellow student of Jerwin's. He favours the Evocation/Abjuration side of magics, because nothing quite compares to a man flying and shooting lightning, now does it?
No one can say for certain what Zax was up to in the time since the feast, what is known, however is that he now possesses a demi-plane of his own, no small feat for a young human man.
Currently in the employ of Baron Yurik of Reivajiik.

Harry = Pietrov
A horde-lander from the east, an outcast among his people, he found faith in the Godess Liira while travelling and has since dedicated his life to her worship.
Currently in the employ of Baron Yurik of Reivajiik.

Cyber= Cotillion Blackleaf
Solicitor and bon vivant, Cotillion is mostly a traveler and gentleman explorer. Not so much out of choice as necessity, as there's little time to stop and enjoy the fine rural architecture when there's a mob after you.
After the Feast, Cotillion was last seen getting roaringly drunk with Muertte, then dissapeared for several months.
Last seen in the employ of Baron Yurik of Reivajiik, but is he serving two masters?

Iulian = Ghiavol

A strange man of peculiar customs. Part of a secretive order of those who do not shy away from physical combat and strange pacts to achieve power.
He met the party as he was hunting down a demonic cult, doing his master's bidding. Where his future lies, even his 'sponsor' does not know.

Other characters:

Ian Neerson
Another student at the academy. Neerson is a fairly quiet man, preferring to eschew most of the social events the others attend. He is a good diviner and knows some Evocation.
Nicolau Vladici
The Headmaster and founder of the academy. This old elf is said to have been a combat medic before his current profession. They say the reason he created the school was so that common people would have a means of living in a world where mages could do as they pleased.

Tormud Vaar
The Master of Necromancy and Jerwin's teacher. Tormud has a shady past and there are whispers he's been involved with Thayans.

Helena Triokas
Heiress to the Triokas family and the most powerful oracle the school has, also the youngest woman to teach there.

Haraad, sworn to Kelemvor
A grim man of few words, Haraad has dedicated his life to Kelemvor, god of Death. Recent events have left him doubting his calling and oath.

Verran [?]
Verran calls himself 'The Famous Duelist', although he uses magic to secretly defeat his foes. When last seen, he and Haraad had been fighting over a certain alchemical potion.

The Setting
The campaign takes place in a loose federation of baronies, duchies and other fiefdoms. The largest city is Reyvajiik, controlled by Baron Yurik The Farseer, a mage of great reputation.
The Path of Iron Theduchies

The nobility are all magic users, whether born or taught makes little difference. While the rule is mostly benevolent, the common man is ill adapted to mageocracies, as they have almost no grasp on what it is to control such vast and terrible power.
People complain, but then again, people always complain, besides, anyone can pick up a book and start learning magic, assuming they have the intellect, dedication and spare time, all unlikely for farmers or workers. Those who can use magic are not favored, if they're not also nobility, but they do have many more options at their disposal than the less arcane prone citizen. For those who want to learn magic, but have not the talent, nor the capital to do so, there are schools, such as the Royal Imperial Majestic Magic Academy, one quick 5 year study, a minimal of effort and perhaps a drink or two given to the right teacher and anyone can come out with the qualification. And if someone cannot afford the fees? No worries, the school finds you employment, though you won't see a single copper for your labor until you've payed off your study loan, all 10000 gold pieces of it.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Zekel in Lun Mai 30, 2011 5:45 pm, editata de 16 ori

2The Path of Iron Empty Storylet 1: Storms and Omens Sam Apr 09, 2011 10:32 pm


Furacios Biban

Martin and Jerwin have been assigned by Headmaster Nicolau Vladici to find and deliver a seemingly innocent item from the docks, after a bit of struggle the two manage to locate the hidden warehouse and obtain a small casket, engraved in magical runes.

Upon leaving they find themselves in a strange and alien place, Jerwin recalls what little he knows about portals and planar travels. They have almost no time to think, however, as they are beset by a large, many mouthed and multi limbed monster.

The Path of Iron Lurke

Some fierce fighting later, they ended up holed inside a flower shop, with Jerwin bleeding and wounded and hosts of undead and aberrations on the streets.

A chase to the rooftops and a botched spell later, both were overwhelmed by their attackers and torn to shreds, only to open their eyes and find themselves right outside the warehouse they picked the box from.

With little beyond a few shivers and probably nightmares for the next few weeks, the two headed over to the pallace to drop off a small piece of correspondance and a small metallic ring, only to find them missing.

After some assurances that prophecy and omens and dreams of doom from an obviously evil and, naturally, powerful artifact were nothing to be concerned about, they were given their first important task: the capture, and by capture, we mean murder discreetly of Aramir, a former studend of the school. Apparently she'd gone off the deep end, causing earthquakes, floods and countless victims along her mad dash across the countryside.

Jerwin received a letter, informing him of his cousins arrival in time to witness the Graduation Ceremony, after which they would both travel to the south, near the Thayan border that they may be given some sort of inheritance from their great grand uncle.

Along the way our two brave adventurers meet many refugees fleeing from the towns visited by Aramir, quite a few selling 'The Fabled Sword of Light' from the High Temple of Lathander himself!

To their credit, Jerwin believed only the first such man, though he'd probably have bought more if his purse would have allowed him.

On the first night travelling they stoped by one inconspicous tavern, the'Hanged Man Inn', where they shared a room with two other travellers, one who claimed to be Verran, the Famous Duelist.

No one is sure how, but Jerwin's spellbook became 'misplaced' in the barmans care, who was generous enough to give it back for the modest sum of 'enough to buy this stinkin place ten times over', but only after Jerwin, in a fit of courage and short sightedness, enraged the Famous Duellist, to the point of violence.

Luckily, our mage made it out alive, if wounded and with a day to recuperate new allies were sent by the Headmaster: Muertte, Zax and Neerson.

Once in the ravaged village of Colshaw, Jerwin attempted something both vile and dangerous, he brought back the spirit of a victim into it's batterred, beaten and decomposed body in an attempt to question it. While the summoning did work, it had the unfortunate side effect of raising some more undead than intended. In the ensuing scuffle, Zax's power got the best of him, his lighting arcs hitting both Muertte and Martin, killing them both.

Once the Undead were disposed of, the remaing 3 mages used their arts to keep their companions intact, as much as possible and by accepting the financial burden for their ressurection made their return to this world possible, courtesy of Headmaster Nicolau Vladici.

Our stalwart men, with little in the way of time, set up a hasty ambush for Aramir.

While the wizard was strong and irrevocably insane, even her ability to manipulate the elements were not enough to guard her from Muerttes bloodlust. With a quick jump from a building, a spear and his own bear hands, he twisted her neck, ensuring she could never cast another spell again.

There are 4 weeks until Graduation.

3The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Apr 10, 2011 9:28 pm


Furacios de blugi

Simpatic setting-ul si campania voastra pare ca a generat cateva momente comice din ce citesc printre randuri.
Fain, astept sa mai citesc cate ceva despre Harry Potter, aaaaa, Jerwin si amici sai...BTW, cine e Hermione? Banii mei sunt pe barbar! Pariuri?... Laughing

4The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Apr 10, 2011 11:24 pm


Furacios Biban

Heh, ce sa faci, din cand in cand playerii au nevoie sa vina Khârn si sa-i invete sa nu metagame all day.
Maine sau poimaine o sa pun si rezumatul sesiunii de azi. Pot spune ca a fost placut de previzibil, avand in vedera ca totul m-a facut sa ma simt ca si Tzeentch.
All according to plan.
Ah, si Hermione? I dunno, as spune ca NPC-ul meu Neerson,ala care stie divination si le tot zice chestii.

5The Path of Iron Empty Matters of Life and Death Lun Apr 11, 2011 1:06 am


Furacios Biban

Jerwin, Zax, Martin, Muertte and Neerson are summoned the day after the unpleasantness with Aramir is finished, the Headmaster seems distracted, tired, he keeps glancing sidelong at the small metallic box that they previously brought to him, it's seals broken, it chills the blood to be seen. It seems the Master of Necromancy, Tormud has vanished, about the same time as Aramir was slain, something suspicious, to say the least. More worrisome are rumors from the east, they say the dead walk near the small village of Bardunic, a place that Aramir supposedly visited. The Headmaster suspects Tormud might have gone there, for whatever reason, he cannot know. An official investigation is to be made by the baronial authorities, it is imperative the journeymen and their bodyguards find the source of undead and destroy it before anyone else, or, failing that, they are to make sure no connection is made between Aramir and that location.

Bardunic: Population 680, primarily human, some dwarf and gnome. The village sits in the shadows of a ruined castle. It is governed by a village council of elders. The village is the home of a legendary war hero, a female mage named Milavet.

The townspeople are frightened. They don't know who to trust and who is going to try and who will try to kill them only to raise undead abominations. Neerson cannot find anything with Divination, saying that the area is far too full of magical interference for him to say what is a vision or just a dream. The nature of this disturbance, whether a remnant of the battle fought here over a century ago or something more modern is also unknowable.

The group arrived during the middle of the night, where they took refuge with a traveling group of gnomes, performers and minor witches. They were told that the trouble started around the time they came to the village, but that it had nothing to do with them. Naturally, the villagers did not share that opinion, and were waiting for an excuse to drive the nomadic gnomes away. A gnome named Poll informed the party that their Chieftain, Farad Hurr along with his wife went missing, probably ran off, seeing as the wife supposedly was carrying someone else's child. During his watch, Zax spotted a strange, short man of forgettable features simply standing in the middle of a field, watching him intently. The man seemed to suddenly realize he'd been spotted and ran to cover, evading all attempt at capture. Using his magic to create a simulacrum of the man's image, Zax paints a picture similar to the short, impatient man who gave Martin and Jerwin the artifact, back at the hidden warehouse.

Come morning, the group split up, half going to one of the village elders' house, an old man named Aubrich and the others to the cemetery, to see if any of the graves had been disturbed.
If one thing can be said for Aubrich, it's that he regards hospitality much like the plague, Jerwin, Zax and Neerson quickly getting thrown out of his house, knowing only that the elder blamed the other two newcomers, who showed up in town on the night of the first disappearance.

Martin and Muertte, having scouted the cemetery, saw that no graves were disturbed, nor any freshly dug, for that matter. It seems that the people who go missing never turn up, dead or otherwise. They do find out thought that there are two men looking into the same problem, out-of-townees, one a servant of Kelemvor, the other a strange, sly looking man in a faded, purple suit. They were out inspecting the old castle ruins.

The group then decided to speak with the other two village elders, only to find out one, Gery May, went missing the night before and her house has been burned down. The other, was an old tax collector named Leam.

Leam was helpful enough, he professed to using some kind of ritual to find out who had been taking people, it seems his wife, Elanore also counted among the missing.

Departing the old mage and tax collector, the party encounter Haraad and Verran, the other 'official' investigators, sent by the temple of Kelemvor to look into the matter. They agree to join, leaving aside Varren's encounter with Jerwin and patrol the streets together at night.

Muertte and Neerson stand guard outside Leam's house, making sure he's not interrupted during his ritual.

Zax and Haraad patrol the outer village, they spot a small figure moving suspiciously through the fields, dragging a large sack with it. A brief chase later, it turns out the figure was none other than Poll, trying to hide some belongings of his, ' just in case' the villagers decide to run them off. Martin and Jerwin patrol inward, they turn up nothing.

First Night:
All seemed quite, until a large and sudden crash brings down half of Leam's house, Muertte and Neerson jump to the man's aide, managing to dig out a beaten, battered Leam from the wreckage. Muertte is quick to supply first aid that saves the man's life long enough for Jerwin to arrive and use magic to heal him. Once awake, Leam explains how a demon assaulted him, coming out of nowhere.

Second night:
A gruesome murder occurs. Five people also go missing. But the combined patrols turn up nothing. Jerwan accompanies Haraad, while Zax goes with Martin. Neerson and Muertte remain as they are and once again Verran goes alone.

Jerwin and Haraad hear Verran's voice calling from a dark alley, telling the mage to follow him quickly. Complying the mage follows while the paladin continues doing rounds. Once he is deep enough in the darkness, a hand clasps over Jerwin and a blade goes into the back of his abdomen, another quickly follows, jabbed in the spine.

As the patrol, Neerson senses something is wrong and quickly dashes of toward the place Jerwin is ambushed. They arrive just in time as they see him almost dead on the ground. Once again, Muertte's quick wits and ability to fashion bandages stop the mage from bleeding out. Neerson calls for help and soon all the others, except Varren, show up.

During the day the party sees another murdered man in an alley, he's had his heart ripped out. They also encounter Varren by a well, he's missing his purple shirt and there's an abundance of blood on his clothing. With magic, Jerwin determines the blood is his and the murdered man's.

As Varren attempts to explain what happened, a crowd of villagers, led by Aubrich and his son in law, Pirrin arrive and attempt to apprehend Varren, only to be foiled as Muertte let loose a below to freeze the blood and Jerwin briefly took the form of a dragon. All the villagers fled as fast as possible.

Third Night:
The demon rises with the sunset and stalks the village for more victims. More fires, people go missing, Haraad and Varren have been driven off by the villagers, the party must now patrol alone. They find only empty houses, but with his keen sight and deduction Muertte claims that at least one of the people left their home willingly.

Fourth Night:
The party catch more glimpses of the short man, who is obviously trailing them. As they patrol they come across one man in chain-mail and dark green clothing, he's obviously using magic to control the undertaker and lead him somewhere.

After a brief scuffle the perpetrator is caught, but as a last act of defiance he tries to force his mind out of his own body and posses another, but is thwarted by Zax, who interrupts the casting. This leaves the man a drooling vegetable that they secure with rope and gag. Neerson uses the man in a scrying ritual, attempting to find his hideout and that of his accomplices, should he have any and is pleased to announce at dawn that he has succeeded.

During the day, the party take the comatose man to Leam, attempting to find out more about the demon or the necromancers. At Leam's they find Leam's adoptive son Amby cleaning an ornate scimitar, they are told Leam's been expecting them, that he'll tell them all. From the mage they find out that Leam actually summoned the demon to the village, he'd tried to make it guide him to the lair of the necromancers so that he could find his wife. After asking that they tell no one, he tells Martin that the demon should go to the grave of someone recently murdered. Taking out a light crossbow from a drawer, Leam pointed it under his chin and let the bolt fly.

Amby gives Martin and Muertte the scimitar he's been cleaning, saying it's magical, it allows him and his wife, both mages to communicate with the holder and should they require assistance, to call upon them.

The whole group sets out to the cemetery and try to find the latest murder victim and by nightfall they manage to encounter the demon, who's been stalking them, it seems. Once they damaged it sufficiently, the demon took the form of smoke and fled toward it's hiding place, only to be followed and finally destroyed. In it's nest they found the remains of two gnomes, freshly killed, one a pregnant woman, the other a middle aged man. It was easy for Muertte's keen detective mind to puzzle it out and he quickly accused Poll of committing the foul deed. Once 'clan justice' was dispensed and a gnome body burned, the party set out to the location of the necromancers.

Inside a cave complex, the darkness was palpable, a clawing, malevolent thing bent on snuffing all light, but their bravery and magic overcame and soon they discovered an old, forgotten laboratory. Here, Haraad, the paladin of death caught up with the party, claiming to have been guided by a greater power to that place.

Within they found a few necromancers, wounded and fleeing whatever it is they had created. Once the mages had been dispensed with, the party finally encountered the Master of Necromancy, Tormud, surrounded by a half dozen dead mages, and in cages lining the walls, many bodies. The center of the room houses some sort of magic sigil, a ruby red liquid on the ground along with many vats of the same substance all around. The master smiles, he holds up a vial, explaining all he had done, offering the party a sip of what he called 'The Philosopher's Stone'. Jerwin, the master's apprentice agrees and drinks a mouthful, this causes outrage from all the rest and a fight breaks out. The Master seems to be invulnerable, but he finally falls to the ground a dagger stuck in the back of his head. Verran had somehow gotten in and stabbed him. Verran takes the vial of ruby red liquid and he himself drinks a mouthful, another battle breaks out, between Verran and Haraad, accompanied by Martin and Zax. In the end, Verran with a wave of his had disappears, Haraad is unsure of what to do and decides to leave and seek council, while the party agree to take Jerwin, confined, back to the Headmaster.

There are two weeks until Graduation.

6The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 11, 2011 10:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

"Muertte is quick to supply first aid" Shocked Laughing Laughing Oh the irony!

Acuma pe bune, un barbar pe nume Muertte pare a fi party healer-ul si aparent si un investigator bun. ROFLMAO....

7The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Apr 12, 2011 12:05 am


Furacios Biban

Razi tu, razi. Dar Muertte e ala care a pus puncte in skilluri folositoare, gen Spot.
In sesiunea aia Muerte a salvat viata a doi oameni, a gasit un criminal, prima vicitma a demonului si a mai si dat un 20 sau doua la spot.

As they head back toward Reyvajiik, Zax starts coughing, it seems he might've picked something up on his travels.

Zax receives the Spellcasting Prodigy Feat.
His caster level now counts as one higher than his actual level [Use Magic skills can by increased by 1].

And dicks. It seems I may not be able to D&D this Sunday. Not sure yet, it might still happen, but I find it highly unlikely.

Disregard that, no longer an issue. We shall resume our regularly scheduled program.

8The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Apr 17, 2011 2:01 pm


Furacios de Gin

'tis a very interesting story so far. I expect it to soon coalesce into something of greater significance for everyone involved.

9The Path of Iron Empty The Plagued City Lun Apr 18, 2011 2:51 pm


Furacios Biban

The party swiftly leaves the laboratory, not before starting a small fire, Zax inhaled some of the fumes and has begun having coughing fits. Outside they find Amby, clad in armor, kneeling next to Aurora, tending to her wounds.

Beside them lay half a dozen heavily armed and armored human bodies. They ambushed Amby and Aurora as they were about to enter the caves at Martin's summons. It was fortunate for them all that Haraad emerged to rescue them, fighting off the assailants and forcing them to retreat. Haraad is nowhere in sight, the only witness to his presence being a greatsword engraved with the scales of Kelemvor, planted halfway into the ground.

The party aid Aurora and head off toward Reivajiik, Headmaster Vladici would surely be interested in hearing about Tormud's murderous attempts, as well as Jerwin's willing consumption of the reputed 'Potion of Godhood'.

A day into their ride Neerson receives a sending from the Headmaster, the party is to set up camp and await further instructions. As they do so, it is only an hour long wait before energy crackles before them and a Gateway is opened up, revealing a robed man. He has been hired to transport the party with urgency outside the city of Lyrabar. As they step inside the portal they are given an envelope with instructions. It's become dark by now and in sight is a city, a city ravaged by plague, the missive informs them. Thayans have been spotted in the vicinity, the student sent to make contact with the elves is missing, presumed dead and the party is now tasked with finding the student's contact inside the city and completing his mission. The elves know more, they are told. Cautious of becoming sick, the party send Jerwin alone into the city, if any were capable of resisting the plagues, surely it would be he, with his so called 'Philospher's Stone'.

To barter passage inside the city Jerwin claims he is a healer, and is quickly allowed inside and conscripted to aid the quarantined areas. He finds himself inside what must have been once a merchant district, a good neighborhood, now the dead are left in the street, the sickly line the alleyways or have boarded themselves up inside their homes. As he walks, so clearly untouched by disease, he is noticed, men and women beg for aid, crowding him, touching him with their filthy, broken hands. His attempts at healing fail and in a fit of panic, he unleashes waves of negative energy, killing some of the diseased, a cruel, unthinking act that finally drives all hope from the crowd and they leave him after throwing a few stones.

After some searching Jerwin finds Pietrov, the contact they were supposed to find inside the city. Pietrov recounts how he met the elves, they were supposed to give the studend an artifact of some kind, he only knows it's called the "Heart of the Wild" and he knows where the meeting place is. His companions, the student and his two bodyguards are nowhere to be seen and he doesn't know where they are. They attempt to help more of the sick, but manage to save only 3 souls.

Come the next night, the party grows tired of waiting for Jerwin and decide to chance having themselves teleported inside by Zax.
They arrive in time to give assistence to Jerwin and Pietrov as the inn they have taken as refuge is besieged by two scores of desperate, near mad diseased people.

As soon as battle is met, the mob scatters, far too weak to actually fight, more likely seeking an end to their suffering.
Overcome by anger, Jerwin gives chase and sends wave upon wave of necromantic energy, killing almost all of them.

There was nothing left for the party there, nothing but the dead and dying and so, they chose to leave the city, better they forget about those left behind. They did not have to travel long before finding elves, the party was attacked by a couple of elven bandits. Muertte, having lost all patience with them, hacked those that did not flee and finally ripped the last one apart with his bare hands. Finally they emerged from the brush into the elven city of Gallayshon. Expecting perhaps delicate towers or living trees comprising the majority of the buildings, the party found nothing more than old, beaten, near ruined stone keeps, wooden houses, all of them in a profound state of disrepair, old leather canvases taking place of shingles or even roofs, ropes, wooden beams raised hap-hazard around decrepit old walls. After speaking with the town leader, it is revealed that the elven site where they kept the heart of the wild has been attacked, it's guardians all slain. They have no more of the yellow ichor they refer to as the heart. The High Druid sends them to speak to an old man named Gailen, a chair bound old elf, half his body burned away forcing him to sit on a floating throne. Gailen kept going on and on about an end to all non-elves, how the fires of Kossuth would burn away the unworthy, and to the parties surprise he called for his new servant, only to find Haraad there before them. Apparently he had rejected the Lord of the Dead in exchange for the purity of Kossuth's flame. He insists he will be given great honour and the opportunity to 'burn in the flames of martyrdom'. According to a vision Old Gailen had, the party go forth to the ancient guardian of the elves, a millenia old treant they give worship to.

Jerwin set about trying to put wards on the area, while Martin tried to casually inspect the 20 elven 'elites' they had posted there. The helms were cracked, the armors useless and the blades, while pretty, were clearly ornamental. Zax, Pietrov and Muertte, in themeantime had stumbled upon two architects, fighting over what Zax identified as being a horrendously shabby design for the tower wherein dwelt Gailen. The elves scoffed at Zax's design, as being obviously human in origin, thus weak, and continued on in their belief that simply propping the failing tower with wooden beams was the correct procedure, after all, what was all this nonsense about 'support columns' and 'centers of gravity'? Come daybreak, the party is made aware of a rumbling in the distance. What seems to be giants approaching turns out to be a building sized mass of flesh and sinew, shifting it's weight and lumbering onward on pseudo-pods. The elves charge, and in one sickening motion the mass collapses upon them, the very skin of the horror appearing to draw them inside, feeding of them, becoming slightly larger. The thing lumbers on, with one sweep of a newly sprouted limb it sweeps Neerson and Haraad of their feet, breaking Neerson's arm and leg. Haraad is knowcked unconcious. Muertte, in what must have been a stroke of divine inspiration from Gruumsh himself, raised the raven signet ring he found earlier and through a stroke of luck he found some way to tap into it's hidden abilities. Thus, Muertte attained the power of flight.As the party attempts to battle the thing and save the guardian, the old power within the treant awakened once more to do battle. With one might wave of it's roots, it nearly killed half the party, it then swiped more blows at them as it advanced upon the blob. Doing their damnedest to destroy both creatures before they 'merged' as Neerson screeched,the party magic users nearly exhausted themselves destroying the behemoths.

As the last of the flesh clad monster peeled away, a man sized sphere was found within.

Deciding to err on the side of caution, the party attacked the sphere and cracked it.

Out pored a foul smelling yellow substance, the same as the "Heart of the Wild" was described to be. And swirling within that substance, a scaleless dragon embryo, apparently covered in pink, mole like skin.

10The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 3:33 pm


Furacios de Gin

Dragon soul to consume! POWER! Unlimited POWER! ...

11The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 4:40 pm


Furacios Biban

Bogdan a scris:Dragon soul to consume! POWER! Unlimited POWER! ...

Yeah, let me know how that works out for you...

12The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 4:46 pm



Well the dragon was swimming in that yellow gunk. Like most eggs it should be nutritious (or something).

13The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 4:48 pm


Furacios de Gin

I just want the Dragon's spirit. You can eat it afterwards Wink

14The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 5:13 pm


Furacios Biban

I would like you to notice the yellow gunk is exactly like the ichor the tree was bleeding. Also described to you as the actual "Heart of the Wild".

15The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 5:18 pm


Furacios de Gin

As i was not there at the end of the session Jerwin if he survived will collect a sample for himself and take the Dragon Whelp for safe keeping. I will need to know the exact details on the creature.

16The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 5:25 pm


Furacios Biban

Well, we stopped right after the combat, so next session we pick it up right from there. Jerwin's fine. Neerson is kinda pants-ed up but then again I figured you wouldn't refuse setting his bones back. Haraad is unconscious right now and along with Neerson occupying one of Martin's shoulders.

17The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 5:31 pm


Furacios de Gin

Oh I'll heal the diviner, I don't mind him owing me favors which I'll make sure he WILL oblige to fulfill. I'll need him to help me decipher all the research. As for Haraad, perhaps I have plans for him.

18The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 7:02 pm



Actually MuerTTe fixed Neerson's arm.

19The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 7:03 pm


Furacios Biban

Ah, got a bit fuzzy toward the end there.
Oh, dude, bogdan, get an avatar. Makes your posts easier to spot. Plus, it's the interwebs, you gotta have an avatar.

20The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 7:05 pm


Furacios de Gin

Fine fine i'll get a goddamn avatar! Smile

21The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Apr 18, 2011 8:44 pm


Furacios de Gin

Finally succumbed to the dark side now, have we?

22The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Apr 21, 2011 6:54 am


Furacios Biban

Cine sar fi gandit vreodata ca barbarian class e asa de bun la healing cherry

23The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Apr 21, 2011 12:36 pm


Furacios de Gin

The dark side has free cookies ant t-shirts.

24The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Vin Apr 22, 2011 12:12 am


Furacios de Gin

And very tempting to the weak, yes? Twisted Evil

25The Path of Iron Empty Re: The Path of Iron Vin Apr 22, 2011 11:15 am


Furacios de Gin

Weak eh? Requires some strength to walk the dark path. To be different!

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