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The Path of Iron

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101The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Dec 11, 2011 1:57 pm




Class: Fighter













Skill: Intimidate 8, Perception 4, Climb 8

Equipment: short sword, scale mail, light steel shield, crossbow


-Bodyguard (When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally’s AC. )

-Dodge (+1 AC)

-Shield Focus (+1 to Shield AC)

-Weapon Focus Shortsword (+1 ATK)

-Weapon Specialization Shortsword (+2 DMG)

-Escape Route (You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through spaces adjacent to allies)

Ability: Bravery (+1 Will vs Fear), Armor Training (reduces the armor check penalty by 1 )

102The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Dec 12, 2011 5:49 pm


Furacios Biban

Heh, while the session should technically be a One-Shot, therefore not here, it's relevant to the campaign. Here's some text, that you may divine the events transpired.

9th Nightal - Giantspire Mountains, along the Great Imphras River

3rd Damaran Conscript Regiment

From the Journal of Seargent Gav Thorpen

"Reinforcements came today, little bloody good they'll do. I'm stuck here with Cormic and Kessel, who's still in the field hospital with that gut wound. Our squad is getting three "volunteers" that were recruited back south with the bandit trouble. I'm sure they'll be just as shit as all the other new bloods I've met. One's a priest, they mention, a bloody half-breed to boot. If she can cure wounds and work magic, I'll keep her safe. Well, safe as one's liable to get, seeing as we're in the front lines. Probably shouldn't have punched out the Captain. The names were Stabby, Seanna and Snarf. Stupid names, probably with stupid faces to match. Ah, hell, Cormic's just brought the sorriest sacks of refugees I've ever seen, don't even have winter clothes. These better not be my guys..."

"To whom it may concern
the barbarians attacked and we killed them. We lost maybe a dozen men, all around. We did good. Then the artillery hit us. Thesk said it was a misunderstanding. The guy who came to apologize convinced the lieutenant. There's something wrong with him, when he came in, I got a horrible head-ache. I don't believe him. He had cold eyes, a killer's eyes. He shot me a look, but I'm just a clerk, a nobody. That's when they moved their soldiers to relieve our own. I was in the supply closet when they started killing our men. I'm not going to make it, so I'm sending this message. If anyone reads it: Thesk betrayed us. They have a lot of men. Three thousand in this regiment alone, I think. More somewhere to the North and South. Gods have mercy on us all. My name is Ad~~"
- Message received via pigeon on the 15th of Nighttal 1384, Fort Belpurr

"It seems an unthinkable feat under the light of retrospection, that such a large amasement of forces could have slipped through Damaran borders, but the fact is the complacency and incompetence of King Yarin Frostmantle's government leaves very little to the impossible, let alone the improbable. Who knows how many lives could have been saved, or indeed, if the entire conflict could have been avoided had we only maintained better diplomatic relations with Thesk, instead of relying on fear and paranoia as the founding of our alliance. As for security, one needs only notice the poor training, equipment and manpower of the Damaran forces to immediately recognize the propaganda behind such nonsensical stories as "The Vengeful Brothers". The incident which alerted Heliogabalus to the invasion was a mere accident, an improper maintenance of the munitions which at the time were new and poorly understood technology, even for the advanced Theskian troops. The notion that a rag-tag group of soldiers single-handedly crippled the Theskian middle push is insane drivel at worst, wishful thinking at best!"

- Historian Pietry Zakulnikov, before his execution under charge of treason

With this we welcome the newest character in our midst, the Half-Elven Cleric of Oghma, Seanna! May your life be more than a brief flicker of light before it is inevitably extinguished by the cruel, cold world.

The character gets the following:
Feat: Spellcasting Prodigy, Iron Will, Endurance
Ability Modifier: +4 Int, +2 Con

103The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Dec 12, 2011 8:33 pm


Furacios Biban

By the way everyone:

The next session is number 21. I'm going to at least post bullet points as to what's happening from now on, with some mention of what already happened.

In our story so far:
- Because they were unable to gain access to the Sarshell factories and facilities, the PCs commited robbery on a criminal organization run by Vampires and what seems to be some sort of Soul Eating Monster. Using that money, they employed mercenaries and spies.

- Once they found out the information they needed, the Party engaged in raids and terrorist activities that crippled production in the city. A state of Emergency was enacted and Martial Law declared. Shrapnel took to the sewers and ambushed many of the patrolling soldiers. He also took it upon himself to destroy the Cult of Malar that had been operating in the area.

- Upon causing enough destruction so as to cause the Central Research Facility to split it's guard, the PCs assaulted it as Dracula and Shrapnel took over two Walking Cannon Towers and started bombing indiscriminately. This allowed Cotillion and Julius the opportunity to climb through the wreckage and find their way down. Inside they found two scientists, one terrified and one insane. After putting both of them down, the pair started searching the machine room for anything useful. The Room was filled with a Mythallar, a magic generator that contains great power. It was unfinished, so when Julius accidentally turned it on, the PCs had only a few moments to flee. The ensuing explosion created Soulfires to burn in the city, not merely killing, but utterly destroying the souls of those slain.

- After the disaster that was Sarshell, the PCs retreared to Reijaviik. There, they found out plots were brewing and unrest was high. A rebellion sparked and in the chaos they seized the opportunity and killed the Baron's adviser. The Baron was nowhere to be seen.

- A splinter group of Helmites, not that their god is dead, have made pacts with Devils and have taken over the city, with the country following.

- The PCs have fled the country at the Baron's and Vladici's behest, they find out the Feast was an elaborate trap engineered to kill dissidents and what the Baron predicted would be monstrous people, who would do terrible things(The Party).

- As they fled near the border, they split into two groups. Shrapnel was discovered, or at least he thought he was and detonated himself, along with all his bombs. The ensuing chaos, destruction and madness allowed everyone else a chance to flee.

- Once away from Impiltur, the group met up with a different operative, under the name of Redbeard, who would be coordinating them from now on. Their objective was to claim Cotillion's ancestral manor and use it as a forward base from which to launch raids and spy on Thay.

- On the way, they took a small detour to the insignificant town of Deepwell, a mining town. On the way, Marrek was harassed by an evil entity of hunger. In exchange for it's protection, Marrek swore to serve only Azalgo, a vengeful and malefic spirit.

- Inside Deepwell, Marrek got into a fight with a Narfell Tribe who was out on a trading run deep inside Thesk. He subsequently lost his armor and weapon. During this time, Dracula infiltrated the tribes camp and murdered the chieftain. The resulting rage was taken out on the town, now mostly destroyed and pillaged. In this, the tribe was helped by Redbeard, who found the men as kin and the women delightfully not as such.

- After he fled the town, Marrek beseached his new patron for vengeance against those who took his armor, but his sponsor, being a spiteful thing, struck down almost every barbarian and nearly killed Redbeard too. The Shaman of the tribe survived, however, and he gave his life away throwing a death curse. The corpses of his tribesmen rose as one and gave chase to Marrek.

- After having survived the affair, the group set out to Castle Brejik, a nearly sentient, utterly cruel and frightfully magical place that wants to kill them. They are now deep within it's interior, attempting to repair and control it.

104The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Dec 12, 2011 8:50 pm


Furacios de Gin

The Barbarian corpses chasing were funny. At least for me.

105The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Dec 14, 2011 3:42 am


Furacios Biban

Regarding the Sarshell incident

Come gather round' all ye monsters
And raise up a cut to this arse-turd
He came and freed the fires of hell
And let them run loose over hill and dell.

Here's to the bard and his fake bearded head!
Here's to the dead and to all they have slain!
The gates are knocked down and the town is a-flame,
It's the dead's for the taking, though he gets the fame.

He blew up some buildings it's true,
They fought him but couldn't hold fast,
With all their power they still were devoured,
As magic exploded, coursing through the realms!

Here's to the bard and his great pointy hat!
Here's to the horror, the pain and undead!
The gates are knocked down and the town is a`flame,
It's the dead's for the taking though he took the fame.

Here's to the bard and a pullin' me plum
Here's to the dead and the rest of them scum
The gates are knocked in and the town is a-flame
It's the dead's for the taking though he took the fame!

106The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Meanwhile... Mier Ian 04, 2012 6:39 pm


Furacios Biban

When we last saw our heroes they were going through the castle in a confused and frightened manner.
After the ''battle'' with the cerberus and the chaos elementals in teh maze of eternal fucking doom and death (a battle that left everyone shellshocked and Redbeard sort of worst for wear what with him losing a large part of his constitution for a time) we all decided to fuck that noise and go back to the normal bits of the castle. Where hopefully we'd not have the same level of horror inflicted on us as usually.

Jaccoppo the plot device and my biographer led us back to the more normal plane of existence. While back in the throne room, next to the large mounds of demonic bones left from previous adventures (where the hell is the cleaning service?!) we found a lithe, pointy eared creature sleeping on the throne.

''Let's poke it!''

And so we did. And it woke up, frightened and confused. Turns out that waking up in a big room brimming with bones and undead. With the odd half-devil poking you with a stick is not the best way to be awaken. She seemed a capable enchanter so I let her look into my mind to understand that we mean her no harm. This convinced her of our good intentions and we started having a bit of a chat. Her name is Seanna and she's a half angel cleric of Oghma. At least she's alive.

Turns out we've attracted even more attention than usually and Oghma has dispatched one of her clerics to document our suffering adventures and our motivations. I'm farely certain that by the time the movie is made we won't really see a cent of the income because we'll all be dead. But still, it feels good to be understood and it gets tiring to talk to the dead.

end of part 1

107The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Ian 04, 2012 8:24 pm



Need I remind you that other you and Seanna we are all DEAD.

108The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Ian 10, 2012 12:09 pm


Furacios de Gin

Seanna, doesn't ring a bell really ...*confused*

109The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Ian 21, 2012 11:02 am


Furacios Biban

Mystra is dead and Elminster was murdered by He Who Waits Behind The Wall.

We destroyed a modron city after several of the party were murdered. Seanna and Julius, specifically. Possibly the rest too.
Me and Alice survived...
We subsequently tore the roof off of the city and it exploded in nuclear fire.
We all wake up (at this point i no longer have skin, aparently this is permanent)
Alice has a nervous break-down and murderes a whole village while we summon a black dragon and calmly ask ourselves waht the fuck is going on.
Iulian dies 4 more times.
The chaos spacemarines attack and we shit bricks. Then we charge He who waits behind the wall's fortress and punch him in the dick. He dies just as we find out what elminster sacrificed himself for.

It has been the best D&D session i've ever lived through.

110The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Ian 21, 2012 11:06 am


Furacios de Gin

Chaos Space Marines in ... Faerun. That was an interesting sight. How many?

111The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Feb 04, 2012 4:37 am


Furacios Biban

CyberFaust a scris:So.
Mystra is dead and Elminster was murdered by He Who Waits Behind The Wall.

We destroyed a modron city after several of the party were murdered. Seanna and Julius, specifically. Possibly the rest too.
Me and Alice survived...
We subsequently tore the roof off of the city and it exploded in nuclear fire.
We all wake up (at this point i no longer have skin, aparently this is permanent)
Alice has a nervous break-down and murderes a whole village while we summon a black dragon and calmly ask ourselves waht the fuck is going on.
Iulian dies 4 more times.
The chaos spacemarines attack and we shit bricks. Then we charge He who waits behind the wall's fortress and punch him in the dick. He dies just as we find out what elminster sacrificed himself for.

It has been the best D&D session i've ever lived through.

was it the best because i died 4 times? Smile)
or because well.. Alice is just awesome at this game? Smile)

112The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Feb 04, 2012 10:56 am


Furacios Biban

Nu, it was best because the atmosphere was great and i was really feeling it. And because we have great party cohesion. Everyone is good at the game Seanna, Alice, Me, you muertte and pampu. As i've said before, this is the best group i've seen, we all do our thing. Very Happy

113The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Feb 04, 2012 4:10 pm



It is the best mix I've seen so far and (not to sound smug or anything ...... fuck it smug it is) I've been at this way longer than you Cyber.

114The Path of Iron - Pagina 5 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Feb 05, 2012 1:00 pm


Furacios Biban

I know, mr. Admin man.

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