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The Path of Iron

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76The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Iun 08, 2011 3:19 am


Furacios Biban

I have... "died" Shocked scratch Sad

77The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Iun 08, 2011 11:13 am


Furacios de Gin

MTT si eu am murit Smile You're not technically dead. Now you're just undecided if you're dead or alive... Un-decided if you're dead = Undead!

78The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Iun 16, 2011 12:36 pm


Furacios Biban

Good news everyone!

79The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Iun 26, 2011 11:20 pm


Furacios Biban

Heh, decided to get off me lazy bum and post something again.
Will update with the past 3 sessions when I feel like it, sorry, but typing and remembering are a lot of work.
In related news, I'm going to update the list of threats and enemies that the party is aware of, enjoy guys!

Minor/Distant Threats:

- Cult of Malar (wounded badly)
- The Cutters(Large Gang)

- Anarchists
- City of Undead Plague[Lyrabar]
- Cult of Kossuth Fanatics
- Civil unrest in Reivajiik
- Bandit problems in the north

Medium Threats
- The Burning Men(Gale and Gailen)
- Knights of Abjuration(Reivajiik Mercenaries)
- Godless Church of Helm
- The Thayan incursions

Immediate/Major Threats:

- Shadowdancers
- Vladici
- The Cult of unkown Evil God
- The Herald(the Demon you guys faced)
- The Vampires
- Unrest in Sarshel
- Thayans
- Tormud and his Black Kabal

Potential Threats:

- Varren
- Rupert Triokas
- Non-fanatical Grey elves

80The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Iul 03, 2011 11:40 am


Furacios Biban

Plus ca we fracked up the vampires. Frack those guys.

81The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Vin Iul 08, 2011 3:55 pm


Furacios Biban

daca imi aduc bine aminte ce o zis jew, noi o sa trebuiasca sa dam spargere la o banca corect?

se poate sa primim ceva info sa putem sa formulam ceva ideei in legatura cu "the heist of the campaign" ? Smile

info as in unde ii banca sau cate garzi, orar? you know, recon stuff

pentru ca deh, nu vreau sa intram in banca si sa ne trezim cu 20 de shades si 50 de paladini. I`ve grown rather attached to my character

82The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Iul 09, 2011 2:26 pm


Furacios Biban

Well, we don't really HAVE to do it, doar ca it seems like a good idea, at least for now.
We have yet to pick a tergat for it asa ca really we can't have security details yet ca deh, from where?
And apart from that if we do we'll probably just do the thing we did last time. It's a good plan si I think we should keep it as is.
Mai ales ca probabil va fi mai usor in a bank than in the vault of the mob. Yes?

Oricum, if it proves like too much of a risky venture then we forget all about it si think of something else. The most inportant thing here is sa stay alive enough to rule the city. And cake.

83The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Iul 09, 2011 3:59 pm


Furacios de blugi

CyberFaust a scris:[..]We have yet to pick a tergat for it asa ca really we can't have security details yet ca deh, from where?[..]

Oricum, if it proves like too much of a risky venture then we forget all about it si think of something else. The most inportant thing here is sa stay alive enough to rule the city. And cake.

Scuze, nu m-am putut abtine, dar sunt curios cum ai ajuns sa ai propozitiile in engleza si conjuntiile in romana. Smile

84The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Sam Iul 09, 2011 7:29 pm


Furacios Biban


85The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Iul 10, 2011 1:51 pm


Furacios de blugi

CyberFaust a scris:*shrug*

You are weird si I know you'll take it as a compliment, dar it was meant as a compliment.

PS. M-am chinuit sa scriu asa. Very Happy

86The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Iul 10, 2011 10:37 pm



Sooo ... bank roberry was it? Huh.

*turns to look at city engulfed in Black Soul Eating Fire* Well that could have gone better.

87The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Iul 10, 2011 11:49 pm


Furacios Biban

They all died....
The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 1300345654_1500x1147_atomic-bomb-blast-picture

88The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Iul 11, 2011 12:51 pm


Furacios Biban

Heh. Yeah, they all died. And you killed them.
On the bright side! The Githzerai are fairly benevolent, all they ask is that you help them with destroying an artifact. Not now though. They'll come for you when it's time. They'll just drop you guys off on the outskirts of Reivajiik.

And with that, the chapter ends.

Final Results:

- The new metal recipe was lost, if not forever, at least for a while. Both the mages are dead and their work is lost in the bowels of the city, surrounded by half a million undead. [Remember at one point in a different campaign, Pampu and Bogdan, we had a large city that had a huge number of undead in it? Heh, yeah, same place]

- The Cult of Mask, The Triokas it's pretty safe to say, along with EVERYONE in the city is not only dead, but completely erased from existence.
Killcount: 400.000 souls were destroyed

- The Vampire Organization, lead by Thrasu is still undead and kicking, they being the masters of the city now.

- The Necromancer, along with his 3 ghouls have survived.

- Timmy the orphan died

Secondary Objectives:

  • Rob the Vampire Clan of it's wealth{SUCCEEDED}
  • Stop the Demon God{UNKNOWN}
  • Acquire information from Rupert Triokas[Cyber]{]SUCCEEDED}
  • Destroyed the Cult of Malar{SUCCEEDED}

Main Objectives:

  • Acquire New metal recipe {FAILED}
  • Recover or assassinate the mages {SUCCEEDED}
  • Destroy the means of production {SUCCEEDED}
  • Remain discreet {FAILED}
  • Do not cause political instability {FAILED}

24 000 XP gained
-Level Up- For those of Level 7
Those of Level 8(Muertte, Zax do not lvl up)

Operation has FAILED.

Over the last

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Zekel in Lun Iul 11, 2011 9:37 pm, editata de 6 ori

89The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Iul 11, 2011 2:45 pm



Main Objectives:

Acquire New metal recipe {FAILED} (truth be told Cyber didn't want anyone to get that recipe so we'll call it a win)
Recover or assassinate the mages {SUCCEEDED} (to the point were not even speak with dead will help anyone ... a wish spell might but... I'm not so sure)
Destroy the means of production {SUCCEEDED} (the factory has been crippled and anyway ... only the undead can get near it now... you know the guys who never tire or need to sleep/eat)
Remain discreet {FAILED} (and how! I believe the only way we could be less discreet is if we dropped Kharn on that place ... after all we kinda nuked it with necromantic fire)
Do not cause political instability {FAILED} (ya think? CAUSING political instability seems to be our only achievement ever)

Also Shrapnel has taken to try and create a mutagen that will wipe away memory. Killing people (especially ones wearing a uniform) is one thing .... THIS on the other hand is a bit much to take even for him. He might not give a dried up turd about the sanctity of life but this ... it makes him vomit just to think about.

90The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Aug 08, 2011 12:10 am


Furacios Biban

"At this point I don't think it would be better if I died. I've had my blood drunk, had my soul tasted, my guts were gauged and have been beaten until I pooped my guts by far too many things these days to hope for such a thing. Nope, I know that if I die I'll just end up eaten by That-which-we-dare-not-speak-of or with the devils and the deamons and Vladici and...oh god. I'll just try to continue living and see it through for as long as I can. Heh"
- Cotillion Blackleaf, solicitor

The PCs:

Julius - Assassin and thief, hired by the party

Cotillion Blackleaf - Solicitor, MIA during his service with the barony of Reyvajiik.

Dracula: A vampire who joined the party and followed them in the wake of Sarshell's destruction. Seems to be a necromancer.

Shrapnel: One of the Baron's "special forces".

Marek : A devout priest and warrior of Kossuth.

Proeminent PCs

Cowl: A mysterious mage and one of the conspirators in the Uprising. Founding member of the Brotherhood.

Arienne: The former captain of the guard in Reijavik, is now one of the leaders for the Knights of Abjuration, a mercenary company.

Baron Geld Yurik: The baron, as of now, missing. There are reports he's dead or he's fled with an important part of the treasury. Powerful diviner.

Taldor Yurik: The baron's son and former heir to the land. He led the revolution against the the former adviser. Founding member of the Brotherhood. Current whereabouts unknown.

Mellisa Red-Robes: Mage and a leader among the revolutionaries. Has a personal relationship with Taldor.

The Lictor: Leader of the Hellknights. Currently in control of the city.

Harad: Revolutionary, former paladin of Kelemvor, brainwashed to be a follower of Kossuth. Has now broken free of the spell, but detests the god and it's followers.

Neerson: Old student at Vladici's academy, worked for the barony on a machine similar to the one in Sarshel. Talented Oracle.

Vladici: The old headmaster of his own academy of Magic. Unleashed demonic hordes upon his students, teachers and guests. Current whereabouts: unkown.

Tormud: Old teacher in Vladici's academy. Concocted a potion "of godhood" out of the souls of a village. At large.

The events so far:

- The group escaped Sarshell just barely.
- In the wake of the destruction and physical trauma, Zax has suffered some form of mental breakdown. His symbiot has great influence over him. He is now committed to an asylum.
- Unrest in Reyvajiik ended up as a full blown revolution.
- The Brother Captain of the Helmites, Rhillander has been killed.
- The Lictor and his sects of Hellknights have quashed the revolution.
- Infernal beings have been let loos inside the city, a great culling ensued.
- The machine under the castle has self-destructed, depriving all of it's knowledge.
- The king's adviser is dead. Her two sisters have taken over, as a Diarchy.

91The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Aug 08, 2011 12:38 am


Furacios Biban

well , the coffin...
scratch scratch

92The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Aug 08, 2011 11:10 am


Furacios de Gin

Gotta love gaseous form huh? Smile


Furacios Biban

Because I'm a lazy git, I stopped updating the thread as the campaign progressed. Will start doing so once again, though no summaries.

The party will remember what happened this session, I hope.
During their exploration of Castle Brejik, they've gone into the Circle of Evocation and have explored a part of it. As of this moment only one party member is still among the living, though he too has been altered by the rampart magics within.

Cotillion gets:
The Half-Fiend Template

Julius gets
The Ghul Template

Jerwin gets:
Ghost Template

Redbeard gets:
Shield Guardian Template, he is bound by duty and honour, but without a master:
as well as

Dracula already had the Vampire template, nothing changes for him(what with being absent).

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Zekel in Lun Dec 12, 2011 8:39 pm, editata de 1 ori

94The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Oct 31, 2011 7:23 am



Because heresy was uttered in my presence (who's Vhailor?) I feel the need to CORRECT that. No Planescape plot spoilers will be mentioned, just a little something about a companion you can get late in the game and who you can easily miss if you don't pay attention.

This conversation (and the descriptions) are taken straight from the game:

Before you was a towering, empty suit of armor - but the plates were suspended in space, as if secured over an invisible frame. Red veins ran across the length of the metal greaves, and a huge, double-edged executioner's axe rested in its hand. Engravings decorated the surface of the armor, the most prominent of which was a crimson serpent with its wings outspread. From behind the 'wall' in your mind where fragments of memory lay, a name slithered forth.

"Vhailor...?" You didn't know where the name came from, but you knew it *belonged* to the armor. You had barely whispered it, but it echoed strangely in the chamber. The air stirred, just enough to send a crawling sensation swimming through your skull and a knot to tighten in your heart. As you stared upon the suit of armor, the shadows beneath the visor took shape... coalescing into the features of a powerful, ebony-skinned man. His eyes were like fires, and he bore numerous scars... was this 'Vhailor,' when he wore flesh? He seemed hauntingly familiar... both as a suit of armor AND as a flesh and blood human. Almost as if you were reciting a spell, more words came to your lips.

"Vhailor... awaken." There was a flare of brilliant red light from beneath the helm, lancing out in a blinding flash; you shielded your eyes from the glare - when you uncovered them, you saw two embers burning within the shadows of the helm. The figure spoke.

*I have AWAKENED.* The voice was spectral, hollow, and echoed within the suit of armor. It was not a human voice... it felt more like a *force,* a presence. It didn't sound like anything *alive*... or like anything that ever lived.

"Who are you?"


"*What* are you?"

*I am a MERCYKILLER.* As Vhailor pronounced the word 'Mercykiller,' Annah and Morte stiffened.


*Mercykillers serve JUSTICE. Justice PURGES evil. When ALL have been cleansed, the multiverse achieves PERFECTION.*

"Why are you called 'Mercykillers?'"

*Mercy is a shield used by the WEAK. Mercy is WEAKNESS. Mercy is DEATH. NO ONE is innocent. Mercykillers slay mercy and its WHORES wherever their plague has carried them.*

"I disagree. Mercy is strength - and there are times when even justice can be unjust, especially when carried to the extreme."

*MERCY eats at the heart of JUSTICE. NO ONE that lives is INNOCENT.*

"How long were you imprisoned?"

*Time FLED as I lay imprisoned. Time bears no MEANING. Only JUSTICE.*

"Do you know *why* you came to Curst?"

*Much is lost of my journey. I traveled in search of BETRAYERS. They found me and imprisoned me. An act of TREACHERY.*

"What betrayers?"

*Curst is a CITY of BETRAYERS. It is a city that defies JUSTICE. I came to CLEANSE it.*

"How were you imprisoned?" Vhailor was silent. The embers in his eyes flickered. "Vhailor? Do you recall how they imprisoned you?"

*I do not KNOW.*

"How does justice lend you her strength?"

*The STRENGTH of JUSTICE depends on the harm the INJUSTICE has caused.*

"So... the greater the injustice - the greater the crime - the more strength 'justice' lends you?"

*When the INJUSTICE is great enough, JUSTICE will lend me the STRENGTH needed to CORRECT it. NONE may stand against it. It will SHATTER every barrier, SUNDER any shield, TEAR through any ENCHANMENT, and lend its servant the POWER to PASS SENTENCE.* As Vhailor intoned the words, a crawling sensation passed through your body - so strong it made you shiver. You had *heard* these words before, and you knew them to be *true.*

"I see."

*No, you do NOT see. Pray you NEVER will.*

*KNOW THIS: There is nothing on ALL the PLANES that can STAY the hand of JUSTICE when it is brought against them. It may unmake ARMIES. It may sunder the thrones of GODS. Know that for all who BETRAY justice, I am their FATE. And fate carries an EXECUTIONER'S AXE.*

"And how do you know *when* to dispense justice?"

*JUSTICE sees through my eyes. The EYES of a MERCYKILLER can see the CRACKS of WEAKNESS, the FRAILTIES, the wounds of MERCY upon the HEART. In SEEING, I KNOW the guilty. I KNOW their FEAR.*

95The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Oct 31, 2011 12:40 pm


Furacios Biban

Heh, tone it down, Vhailor. Keep in mind your duty is to the Baron and to the party. Technically, your job is to make sure they succeed.

96The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Noi 01, 2011 10:38 pm



Oh I just felt like showing off the glory of Vhailor (yes I do reference P:T every chance I get).

Having said that, Planescape has the most awesome high level spells (visually speaking).

Ever wondered where the meteors in a meteor storm spell come from?

This next one is a pure overkill

97The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Noi 14, 2011 12:44 am


Furacios Biban

The Vision that Bogdan had, because why not:

"You see a island, floating in void, the edges slowly crumbling away as violent winds tear at the firmament. The land is barren and dead, the sky is grey and filled with black clouds, amassing as the storm brews overhead.There is a long, circuitous path on the ground of broken and overtread cobble. Waiting there, for you, is the Man in the Black Robe, a cowl over his head, an iron mask, devoid of eyes covers his face. He waits to guide you down the road, toward the Tavern that awaits.

Inside the wooden building a warm light dances, with the promise of sanctuary, though it feels so far away, and the road so long and hard. In the heavens you see a procession, though you cannot tell weather it is for a funeral of for a baptism, though you suspect it's both. "

The Death Jerwin foresees for himself"

There is a barrow, deep underneath the earth. In a circle of dancing men you stand, alone and helpless. The shadow of a bear looms above, it's rage endless and terrible, just as it's yawning mouth crushes a fragile human neck between it's powerful fangs. It will come slowly and painfully, against your will and despite all your efforts.

98The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Noi 14, 2011 9:39 am



I dare those too lazy to play the holy trinity of RPGs to READ IT.

Planescape: Torment

Mask of the Betrayer

The Sith Lords

99The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Noi 14, 2011 3:15 pm


Furacios Biban

Don't encourage the heathens, this will just convince them their lives are complete and worth it while still lacking the Holy Words branded upon their souls.

Also, semi-spoiler-ish for some elements that are references. Not that it matters, I'm firmly convinced they won't read this either. Savages.
And where the hell is Baldur's Gate, dude? You seem to have missed it. This is unacceptable, prepare for imminent purging.

100The Path of Iron - Pagina 4 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Noi 17, 2011 7:55 pm


Furacios de blugi

Garak a scris:I dare those too lazy to play the holy trinity of RPGs to READ IT.

Planescape: Torment

Mask of the Betrayer

The Sith Lords

Hah, am citit deja Sith Lords. Si Mask of the Betrayer urmeaza la jucat.

Hmmz, mai trebuie sa imi fac timp pt. Planescape. Wink

P.S.: No spoilers man! Razz

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