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The Path of Iron

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51The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 5:55 pm


Furacios de Gin

I need to stop losing characters! That's a given.

52The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty DOOM! Lun Mai 16, 2011 6:26 pm


Furacios Biban

It was a real emotional journey, what can i say.

53The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 6:29 pm


Furacios de Gin

Yes I must put two and two together and figure out what I want to be.

54The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 6:36 pm


Furacios Biban

Bogdan a scris:Yes I must put two and two together and figure out what I want to be.

I will reiterate, this time here, so that you can always look it up if you forget: Whatever. Dar think of it this way, the personality should not be one that clashes with the party. Pentru ca eu nu am chef sa DM D&D 3.6 PvP.
It doesn't really matter. You can make any alignment and any class. From LG Paladin to CE Sorcerer. Dar make someone who the party does not feel compelled to kill because you're a danger to them. It shouldn't be that hard.
And ffs, please do not make characters that just go, yeah, whatever happens, I agree. Like I said, Apathy is Death. Because I fucking love KotOR.

55The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 6:45 pm


Furacios Biban

I'd like the luck stone if at all possible.

And maybe the corset for the future missus.Sau we could give it to out head assassin bitch back home. Very Happy

56The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 9:50 pm


Furacios de blugi

Zekel a scris:
The session

Hmmm, vad ca ati ajuns la Session 8. Sunteti siguri ca vreti sa vedeti ce se intampla in Session 9? Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil

57The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 16, 2011 9:53 pm


Furacios Biban

Tarash_Bulba a scris:
Zekel a scris:
The session

Hmmm, vad ca ati ajuns la Session 8. Sunteti siguri ca vreti sa vedeti ce se intampla in Session 9? Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil
Shhh! wtf are all my google docs visible or something? That was supposed to be a reference.

58The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Mai 17, 2011 12:13 am


Furacios Biban

I say we sell everithing si split the money... ma rog banii obtinuti din obiectele valoroase le impartim in 6 What a Face
iar eu cred ca o sa-mi deschid o shaormerie Basketball

59The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Mai 17, 2011 12:17 am


Furacios Biban

But i really want the luck stone damnit, m-ar ajuta cam de fiecare data cand dau un zar.

60The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty New Character - Approved Mar Mai 17, 2011 10:05 am


Furacios Biban

Meet Ser Theoric or just Theoric. He doesn't have the 3 feats Wellis had via roleplay he is a simple fighter dedicated to Tempus. I am still working on his origins but I've decided he actually comes from Neverwinter. Knighted and having inherited a small fortune he eventually lost his wife and heir. Leaving his most trusted servant to administer his wealth based on trust and the vows the man had given to his family he announced that he should not return in six years time the wealth to be given to the servant (administrator) as a small fragment the rest going to helping orphans and the poor through the Temple of Lathander.

The document has been legalized by the Council of Nobles. Since then Theoric said his farewells to the graves of Aealina and Maric, and rode off into the East, serving initially in the mercenary company of Legnar Deepmountain, a Dwarf where he also has taken up the language. Deployed as a field soldier and eventually small detachment leader he served with the Dwarven mercenary captain for about two years until his contract expired and he no longer wished to extend it. Having worked around Cormyr and moving gradually east he once more set his goodbyes to his friends and comrades in arms, seeking yet other battles.

Wishing to find solace in honourable battle he worked for any nobles with legitimate intentions or who would not ask him to commit atrocities. Finally arriving in Impiltur and Sarshel while waiting for other contracts he made contact with Stephen and helped him on a few occasions between sporadic work contracts. While a well reasoned person little activity caused him to drink, not much but did so on quite the occasion. His protective attitude toward people who actually needed it got him in some minor trouble with the mob but when he was attacked the Thugs were most likely easily dispatched.

I thought the Keros would court a man of his caliber for their armies but he seeking conflict and the quick resolution of it he might or might not have accepted. Keeping a good relationship with Stephen he obviously showed up for the heist as he considered robbing illegal money from the mob and at least doing something good with his share honourable. We'll have to work these out.

Alright, I'll allow this. While your character might have been a worthy prospect, the Keros do not hire mercenaries, the militia is all born in the city and the army takes up volunteers from within the militia's ranks. Militia duty is mandatory for all non-nobles who wish to have access to Hightown. Otherwise that's an ok character. You might want to work on the grammar a bit.
Your bonus feats are:
-Steadfast Determination (Con bonus to Will Save)
-Cosmopolitan: You know(read&write) two additional Languages
a. If you use a shield then you get :
- Missile Shield: Deflect one ranged attack with your shield/per round
- Shield Wall: When next to an ally with a shield:
If your ally is wielding a buckler or a light shield, your shield bonus increases by +1.
If your ally is wielding a heavy shield or a tower shield, your shield bonus increases by +2.
- Toughness: +3 hit points, +1 per Hit Die beyond level 3

b If not using a shield:
- Quick Draw: Draw weapon as a free action(no AOO)

Do not bother looking most of those up, trust me.

61The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mar Mai 17, 2011 11:05 am


Furacios de Gin

Oops yes, the Grammar is quite bad I know. I wrote it at 2 AM as it just struck me.

Featwise I'll take Shield Wall as it will help me when working with Martin as he is also a Shield user.

Language-wise I will take Elven and Cormyran. I will come up with e propper background for him soon. Please also confirm you received the sheet I sent you.

62The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 2:12 am


Furacios Biban

oh, btw, gimme o copie a contractului cu dragonu sa o printez! sa o am la mine, just in case! cherry

63The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 10:41 am


Furacios de Gin

Pai da... cand se comporta ca un dobitoc ii bagi contractul sub nas. Fii sigur ca Theoric o sa te ajute sa-i amintesti termenii.

64The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 3:27 pm


Furacios Biban

Bogdan a scris:Pai da... cand se comporta ca un dobitoc ii bagi contractul sub nas. Fii sigur ca Theoric o sa te ajute sa-i amintesti termenii.
Apropo Bogdan, ce naiba erau atributurile alea? Adica, na, inteleg ca poti gresi, dar tu ai avut un build de 40 de puncte.
New Stats
STR 19 [Inceput cu 18, +1 lvl 4]
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10

In orice caz, astea sunt staturi correcte. Daca le vrei altcumva, posteaza te rog.

65The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 3:32 pm


Furacios de Gin

It was 2 AM. Math wasn't my strong point at that time of night.

66The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 5:04 pm


Furacios de blugi

Bogdan a scris:It was 2 AM. Math wasn't my strong point at that time of night.
cough cheater cough Razz

67The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 5:05 pm


Furacios de Gin


68The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty IMPORTANT NOTICE Mier Mai 18, 2011 8:17 pm


Furacios Biban


Attention all Personnel of the Role Acquisition and Performing Leisure Activity.
As decreed and proclaimed by holy writ all data pertaining to class, progression and special abilities will no longer use D&D 3.5.
Instead we will be migrating to Pathfinder. Do not panic. This is an improvement. Pathfinder has the same structure and classes, with some small exceptions. The only major differences are the following:
Grapples, Bullrush, Disarm are resisted by a stat referred to as the Combat Maneuver Defense, or CMD. CMD = 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier + special size modifier + miscellaneous modifier
The skills Search, Spot and Listen all are round up into one skill, namely Perception.
The Wizard and Sorcerer now use d6 for their HD.
The Bard and Rogue use d8 for HD.

All character feats, items and skillpoints will still be in effect(barring Perception, you get a refund on those skills)

Minor Changes are done to some classes, the Fighter gets more feats, the Barbarian has a few more benefits when raging.

We will continue to use the Custom Magic System I devised.

The reasons I cite for the migration is a better overall class balance, a larger pool of feats that can improve tactics and an overall improved system.
You can find absolutely everything you need at the following web site for free:


Ultima editare efectuata de catre Zekel in Mier Mai 18, 2011 9:02 pm, editata de 2 ori

69The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 8:27 pm


Furacios de Gin

++++++Thought for the day+++++++++

"Live your life in ignorance and hatred, for you are the child of the Emperor and by his Will the Galaxy will be yours!"

+++++End Transmission+++++++++++

70The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Mier Mai 18, 2011 9:43 pm


Furacios Biban

Bogdan a scris:++++++Thought for the day+++++++++

"Live your life in ignorance and hatred, for you are the child of the Emperor and by his Will the Galaxy will be yours!"

+++++End Transmission+++++++++++

Post unrelated much?
Let's keep this thread only for PoI related things.
In other news, please also remember that races get various traits and abilities in Pathfinder. Feel free to choose whichever you prefer. The one thing that doesn't change is the Ability scores, we keep them as they are.

71The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Mai 19, 2011 12:13 am


Furacios Biban

Sunt socat.... si uimit... affraid

72The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Joi Mai 19, 2011 12:44 am


Furacios Biban

MuerTTe a scris:Sunt socat.... si uimit... affraid

Eh? Socat si uimit de ce anume?
Si nu uita sa iti faci update la character.
Tu primesti 3 Rage Powers:

Animal Fury (Ex): While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian's Strength modifier. A barbarian can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the barbarian against the target this round are at a +2 bonus.

Guarded Stance (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class against melee attacks for a number of rounds equal to the barbarian's current Constitution modifier (minimum 1). This bonus increases by +1 for every 6 levels the barbarian has attained. Activating this ability is a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Intimidating Glare (Ex): The barbarian can make an Intimidate check against one adjacent foe as a move action. If the barbarian successfully demoralizes her opponent, the foe is shaken for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the barbarian's check exceeds the DC.

Knockback (Ex): Once per round, the barbarian can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian's Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. The barbarian does not need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): The barbarian's senses sharpen and she gains low-light vision while raging.

Moment of Clarity (Ex): The barbarian does not gain any benefits or take any of the penalties from rage for 1 round. Activating this power is a swift action. This includes the penalty to Armor Class and the restriction on what actions can be performed. This round still counts against her total number of rounds of rage per day. This power can only be used once per rage.

Night Vision (Ex): The barbarian's senses grow incredibly sharp while raging and she gains darkvision 60 feet. A barbarian must have low-light vision as a rage power or a racial trait to select this rage power.

No Escape (Ex): The barbarian can move up to double her normal speed as an immediate action but she can only use this ability when an adjacent foe uses a withdraw action to move away from her. She must end her movement adjacent to the enemy that used the withdraw action. The barbarian provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement. This power can only be used once per rage.

Powerful Blow (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 bonus on a single damage roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. This power can only be used once per rage.

Quick Reflexes (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can make one additional attack of opportunity per round.

Raging Climber (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Climb skill checks.

Raging Leaper (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics skill checks made to jump. When making a jump in this way, the barbarian is always considered to have a running start.

Raging Swimmer (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Swim skill checks.

Renewed Vigor (Ex): As a standard action, the barbarian heals 1d8 points of damage + her Constitution modifier. For every four levels the barbarian has attained above 4th, this amount of damage healed increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 5d8 at 20th level. A barbarian must be at least 4th level before selecting this power. This power can be used only once per day and only while raging.

Rolling Dodge (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class against ranged attacks for a number of rounds equal to the barbarian's current Constitution modifier (minimum 1). This bonus increases by +1 for every 6 levels the barbarian has attained. Activating this ability is a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Roused Anger (Ex): The barbarian may enter a rage even if fatigued. While raging after using this ability, the barbarian is immune to the fatigued condition. Once this rage ends, the barbarian is exhausted for 10 minutes per round spent raging.

Scent (Ex): The barbarian gains the scent ability while raging and can use this ability to locate unseen foes (see Special Abilities for rules on the scent ability).

Strength Surge (Ex): The barbarian adds her barbarian level on one Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to her Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent attempts a maneuver against her. This power is used as an immediate action. This power can only be used once per rage.

Superstition (Ex): The barbarian gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies.

Surprise Accuracy (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 morale bonus on one attack roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. This power can only be used once per rage.

Swift Foot (Ex): The barbarian gains a 5-foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This increase is always active while the barbarian is raging. A barbarian can select this rage power up to three times. Its effects stack.

73The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Dum Mai 22, 2011 2:08 pm


Furacios Biban

Gods' black pox Bogdan. Really? Just spontaneous character change? With a prestige class to boot? 3 hours before play?

Theoric of House Rhyas
[you fudged your stats again, here they are, fixed, 36 Point buy before applying that racial bonus, come on.]
Str: 10 (+2 Ability Boos lvl 2 Dragon Disciple, I mentioned we use 32 Point buy, with 3.5 race rules)
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 19

Levels: Sorcerer 3/Dragon Disciple 3

Dragon Heritage: Gold
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

HP: 42

Occupation: Battle Mage

Skills: (Max Ranks 9)

Knowledge (Arcana): 5+1: 6
Perception: 5+1: 6
Spellcraft: 8

*Note: You have not spent your skill points. I mean, you've spent 23 sp. Out of 36.

[FUCKING REALLY BOGDAN? FFS, I read the damn rules, plus made the system, you cannot fudge me on the magic, 22 my ass]
Use Magic (Evocation):
- Dragon Disciple lvl 1 gets no new spells
+6 ranks[ 5 max ranks[not 8 ranks, wtf, have you been paying attention] + 1 from Spellcasting Prodigy(it says to treat your STAT as being +2 higher when spellcasting, I gave it to Motzi earlier, you can simply treat CL as being +1)]
+3 (Spell Focus)
+4 Charisma
Total: 13

Improved Initiative - Level 1
Spellcasting Prodigy - Human Bonus (Level 1)
-NEED lvl 3 Feat-
-NEED lvl 6 Feat-

-Gain 3 Superflous, flavour feats-

[The following is a Bonus Feats you get as a sorc. FYI Prestige classes offer no bonus spell schools, just the ability to continue training in the ones you have. Would have told you, had you asked.]
Spell Focus (Evocation) - Level 1 [well, at least with this magic system you won't be much of a one trick pony, assuming you use your imagination.]

You do not get this feat:
Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) - Sorc Level 4 - Only the Main Casting Classes and the secondary classes get the ability to choose new spell schools, respectively specialize in them.

[You do not get any bloodline feats, that's sorc lvl 7, wtf man?]
Bloodline Feat:
Quicken Spell

Special Abilities
Bloodline Powers - Claws (1d4+STR damage)[That's nice, you treated Sorc 3/DD 2 as being Sorc 5. Cute, but it's wrong, lol]
- Dragon Resistances (Bloodline Resistance +5 vs Fire, +1 Natural Armor Bonus)
Dragon Disciple Abilities:
- Blood of Dragons, Natural Armor Increase (+1)
- Ability Boost (+2, Str), Dragon Bite(1d6 dmg)
- Breath Weapon 1/day (30ft Cone of Fire)

74The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Mai 30, 2011 11:21 am


Furacios Biban

uuu posteaza si mie characterul cu m cum am ajuns cu the CLAW plsplspls Smile

75The Path of Iron - Pagina 3 Empty Re: The Path of Iron Lun Iun 06, 2011 3:29 pm


Furacios de Gin

Reapez a scris:uuu posteaza si mie characterul cu m cum am ajuns cu the CLAW plsplspls Smile

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